Chapter 20

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Cat Blanc; Looking Like Adrien

I woke up in the middle of the night. I had a nightmare a bad one. I then leaned over to see Marinette restfully sleeping. God, she's beautiful. I placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and went back to sleep. I then felt her come closer and squeeze herself next to me. Her hands are around my hips. I could see her smiling. I couldn't bring myself to tell her now. At some point in time, I was going to have to understand the fact that she is in love with Adrien, not me. But I can't bring myself to wipe that smile off her face. I mean I could be Adrien if only I was purer and didn't have the constant thought to murder anyone who hurt Marinette. I mean I was Adrien. Just not the one she fell in love with. It was dark. I knew it. The Akuma shrank my heart and made me suffer and think that no one loved me when I never realized how truly wrong I was. What if I changed? To be more purer and nicer and all that. I still had that dark feeling inside that she wouldn't accept me for who I have turned to. Will she hold grudges about me? Will she reject me? I only ever thought of Marinette as pure and the love of my life but never thought about how she felt about me. I had a plan it was devious. Truly evil and truly outstanding and risk. I could lose her or I could get the perfection I saw in her. But I decided I'd wait and tell her. If she reacted how I planned then I would do it. If not, then I won't. I will have to wait and see. I laid there for hours until morning approached. I then slid out of the bed and made some breakfast. I made pancakes and waffles with strawberries and blueberries, poured syrup, and made some tea. And then poured in the ingredient I needed for my plan. I wouldn't give her the tea until I saw her reaction. I walked in.

" Good morning Princess," I said kissing her on the cheek.

" Good morning Cat," She smiled, she looked way better.

" Did you make all of this," She said shocked and looking at the food like a child looking at candy.

" Just for you M'lady," I said smiling.

" Thank you," She said leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

" I need to tell you something," I said really anxious.

" Yes," She asked putting down her plate of food and looking at me.

" I uh," I looked at her wordlessly. I then dropped the tea on the ground, shattering the glass.

" Oh sorry," I said quickly getting down to clean it.

" Oh let me help you," Marinette said getting up.

" No stay in bed," I said.

" You know I'm not in that bad of a condition," Marinette said putting her hands on her hips.

" Are you sure about that," I said pointing to her wounds. 

" Cat I've been through worse," Marinette said. I came up to her hand and kissed it. She blushed and smiled at me.

" Tell me who did such a thing, I'll kill them," I said smirking.

" Oh there's no need, I killed them already," She said smirking back.

" How is everyone," Marinette asked.

" Who," I asked.

" Rina Rouge and Viperion," Marinette said.

" They are okay, they took care of Shadowmoth and Mayura they are safely in prison," I said lying my ass off.

" How about Cat Blanc," Marinette asked.

" What about Cat Blanc," I asked.

" Is he okay," Marinette responded. Did she care? I could not do my plan after what she just said.

" Yes he's fine, bunnix came in and took him back to his time," I said lying again what a nice habit I have made.

" And how are you," She said motioning me to sit next to him. I sat next to her and she held my hand and gave it a squeeze.

" I think I should be asking that," I said smiling.

" I'm okay don't worry about me," I said putting my other hand on top of her hand and placing a kiss on her lips.

" Marinette, when I found out what had happened to you, I was desperate," I said.

" The thought of losing you was too much to bear and...," I said.

" Cat I will never leave you, ever again," Marinette said.

" You are my everything Marinette," I said.

" I love you too," Marinette responded putting her head on my shoulder and staring outside of the window. This moment felt unreal. The warmth of Marinette was so unresesitable. How perfect she was and why I ever wanted to change that I didn't know. She brought out the light in me and I couldn't see it until now. I loved her and she loved me. I didn't care that I wasn't what she wanted. She was mine and I was never letting go. She loved me. Me. Even if this wasn't true, I would fool myself into thinking that it was for my own good and my happiness and her good and her happiness as well. Oh Marinette, I love you.

Cat Noir's P.O.V:

As the sun started setting, with it my anger rose. How much I wished I could kill Cat Blanc. He was keeping her hostage, wasn't he? He knew all along that that was an imposter and he knew the real Marinette would be somewhere nearby or at the agreste house and he would steal her. And he probably looked like me. He probably fooled Marinette into believing that he was me. When he is just an imposter himself. Ugh! I screamed and punched the wall. I was so furious and now I was insane.

" Cataclysm," I screamed were then a black mist appeared in my hand and I positioned it to touch the floor when I heard.

" Cat Noir don't," I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Bunnix, I was stunned. And I understood it was a hologram.

" Cat Noir listen, I haven't been able to come back in time to help you stop Cat Blanc and all his tricks is because when he entered your time he sent some sort of field out meaning anyone from the future can't enter your timeline in order to prevent me from helping, it's smart, I got to say," Bunnix said.

" I need you to not lose control, Marinette's alive don't worry she's been taken care of even though Cat Blanc is mentally unstable he cares for her the same amount as you, I don't have any more information that that but you need to find him," Bunnix said.

" I understand," I said.

" Listen to me Viperion right now is also unstable and so is the rest of the team, I need you to deliver this information to them and make a plan as soon as possible. The life and death of Ladybug is on your hands. I need you to not let your emotions get the better hand and think with your brain not your heart, I understand you care about Ladybug so much but I need you to keep control, Stay Alive," Bunnix said. Then her holographic image disapeared. I couldn't believe it marinette was alive and probably being tricked into something she doesn't even know about by Cat Blanc. What if he looked like me? I mean he was me but what if he had token the akuma off and now was an exact replica of me? Oh I hated that guy. 

A/N: Hi Guys! Sorry for the late update. I have been going through a lot of stuff recently especially with tons of schoolwork and tests and I have been having a lot of drama in the past 2 weeks with my friends and drama sucks. I mean unless your talking about Ladynoir or Adrienette drama then thats juicy! I will try and update the next chapter possibly by next week friday or maybe sooner! Btw we are currently at 1377 words! 

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