Chapter 4

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" Ummm," Luca said looking at the ground shyly.

" Yes," Ladybug responded.

" Should I call you Ladybug or Mari.......," Viperion asked.

" Ladybug will be just fine," Ladybug jumped scared even though she knew she had to get used to it.

" Umm okay," Viperion said. Then Ladybug grabbed out her yoyo so that they can set the plan in motion. But before she did so Viperion grabbed her hand.

" Is it okay that you know I know," Viperion said?

" I mean it was not the most ideal situation if I am being honest, but it's- not on you, I should have been more careful," Ladybug said. Looking down on the ground. Why? Why was she afraid of him or talking or looking at him?

" Marinette move," Viperion yelled.

" Luca," Ladybug said. Then quickly Luca used his superweapon to push the Akuma away. As he did so, he touched Ladybug which made her remember something, that she had never experienced.

She remembers being out on the battlefield when they fought Wishmaker. Oh NO! Cat Noir got hit!!!!!

" I always wanted to be what my parents wanted me to be," Adrien said.

Then she blanks out into Reality.

" Ladybug are you okay," Viperion said standing right in front of Ladybug.

Ladybug could not comprehend this all. How in the world did she just see that? And how was the love of her life, Cat Noir the one she rejected so much? She then looked up to see Viperion in a completely different costume.

" Cat Noir is Adrien Agreste," Ladybug said quietly with the most hesitation.

Luca's jaw dropped wide open.

" How, how did you know," Viperion said shocked.

" Luca, look at your suit," Ladybug said.

" Wha it looks different," Viperion said.

" You had a power upgrade, which allows you to show other people moments that happened that you erased," Ladybug said looking up at him.

" Wait, what did you see," Viperion said.

" Cat Noir getting hit by Wishmaker and turning into Adrien Agreste," Ladybug said.

" Uhh umm wow, I am so incredibly sorry," Viperion said trying to take off his miraculous.

" No, no Luca it wasn't your fault, you didn't know," Ladybug said looking at the ground. Did that sound sincere or calm? Or did it sound angry and nervous and well Marinette.

" Luca, I need you to travel back in time so that I forget he's Cat Noir," Ladybug said slowly.

" What no," Viperion said turning his back on Ladybug.

" Wait why," Ladybug asked.

" You two are meant for each other even if you never saw it or knew it," Viperion said slowing down each work as he moved down the sentence.

" Luca, we are not, He likes Ladybug, not Marinette," Ladybug said. No matter how much that sentence really sinked into her and rattled like a ping pong ball being hit by a racket, she knew that it was true.

She had spent all this time, crushing herself about Adrien that now she knew it could and would never happen even if Cat Noir or Adrien tempted her or begged her to forget it. She was upset. Upset too much, though she knew the Akuma was nearby so she had to quickly change her emotions. But this was more than heartbreaking.

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