Papi Lays An Egg!!/ Caught in the Spiders Web!!

Start from the beginning

???: "This is Y/n Tennyson right?"

Y/n: "Yes?"

???: "Hi there my Name is Kasegi, and I am from the Monster coordination Program, and I am here to make A Documentary of life with Monster girls, and I came because I heard A Harpy was laying an egg!"

???: "Hi there my Name is Kasegi, and I am from the Monster coordination Program, and I am here to make A Documentary of life with Monster girls, and I came because I heard A Harpy was laying an egg!"

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Y/n: "Well that was Quick."

So you all quickly set up A Documentary, with A Few Camera Guys, and all that, Kaesgi quickly gave the rundown!

Kasegi: "Alright everyone, you see me and my Men will Take interviews of each girl, to learn more about them."

Y/n: "Okay then, but nothing invasive alright?"

Kasgei: "No Promises!"

1st Interview Mero...

Mero was in Her Pool room, as Kasegi was interviewing her!

Kasegi: "So, You have Your own Pool Huh? How deep is it?"

Mero: "Well it's about 15 meters or so deep."

Kasegi: "Also you seem to be wearing A Swimsuit, Goth Lolita style I Believe?"

Mero: "Why yes, though when I'm outside I wear A Dress."

Kasgei: "Do you wear any underwear?"

Mero: "KYYAH! W-Why would you ask such A Perverted Question!?"

Kasegi: "Why it's my Job as A Journalist to ask all of the important questions! So, How do you get out of the Pool?"

Mero: "O-Oh, Like this."

She then Jumped to the Pool edge like A Dolphin but her Bra slipped and Bare Boobies were out, and she quickly covered them up as you came in and yelled!

Y/n: "Hey, you better not show that on film!"

Kasegi: "Hey, don't worry about it, we'll remove that in editing!"

Skurd: "I don't really trust him."

Y/n: "Yeah, Me either."

2nd Interview Cerea...

Kasegi: "So you live in A Dojo Like setting?"

Cerea: "Yes, I do not need A Bed so this seems to be the best for me."

Kasgei: "Ah, so I see, so..."

Cerea: "So?"

Kasegi: "Do you even wear A Bra?"


She then draw out her sword, but Kasegi stopped her!

Kasegi: "It's Just for the interview, I Must ask all of the big questions! Anyways while we're still on topic Your Breasts seem so heavy? Do they cause back Pain?"

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