Speeding through season 8 just so everyone is aware of what happened.

Start from the beginning

Bonnie: Stefan? (siren wailing) Why do I feel you getting closer?

Stefan: All you have to do is let us drive by you, Bonnie.

Bonnie: I can't do that.

Stefan: Yes, you can.

Matt: No, she can't! (horn honking)

As they drive by Matt turns the wheel so they don't crash, but Bonnie and Matt crash.

Later caroline calls Alaric and they decide that they will use the twins to siphon the armory.

Caroline, Alaric, the twins and Isabelle arrive at the Armory.

Alaric: You guys know why we're here? Because there's something inside this building that's really important that we need. The only problem is these doors are locked, so we're gonna need your help to open them, okay?

Caroline: Want to know something cool? You two are special because you two are the keys. Let's play a game. Everyone put one hand on the door.( Everyone puts there hand on the door,
then they look at the twins) Remember Amy's birthday party? I took away your goodie bag, and what happened?

Lizzie frowns: I hurt you.

Caroline: Yes, because I took something from you.

Caroline: Now... how would you feel if someone tried to take me away from you?

Isabelle: Mad.

Twins: Sad.

Caroline: Yeah, me, too. And if we don't get inside of here, that might happen. I might never be able to see you or hug you or... tuck you in at night.

The twins start to siphon and Isabelle looks on confused and removes her hand.

Caroline: It's working. Keep going, girls. Good job. Good job!

Caroline: You did so well. You both did such a good job. It's all over.

Enzo calls Bonnie and tells her to chase him as they try to sort things out at the armory. While at the armory Damon and Stefan enter. Bonnie catches up to Enzo and can't seem to resist the urge to kill him still. Damon enters, telling Stefan to stay behind. Stefan exits and Caroline hugs him, while Alaric looks the other way. Damon burns whatever was needed to cure Bonnie, and she and Enzo hug.

The Scar is not on Caroline anymore. Caroline goes to talk to Alaric, and he says he is gonna take the kids home and says how much he loves her but how that it won't grow beyond a friendship because that is just not where Caroline's feelings are. He tells her to go to Stefan, and that they don't need to worry because Caroline, Alaric, and the three girls will always be a family.

Caroline ends up going to Stefan and telling him that there was a thaw. They smile and kiss each other.

Damon calls bonnie telling her that he better be forgiven now, but as they are talking the hears from the vault Elena voice. It draws him in and no matter the incestant warning provided by Bonnie and Enzo, Damon keeps on walking into the vault. Whatever was inside it gets him. Bonnie and Enzo rush on over, and Enzo opens the vault stupidly, and then gets to him as well.

Caroline rights in her diary to Elena

Caroline: Dear Elena, we were so close. Stefan and I had finally worked through our problems. Bonnie and Enzo were on the verge of being happy, and Damon... Damon actually did the right thing. The selfless thing. We waited in that room for days. Stefan didn't sleep. Throwing everything, including himself, at that door, trying to get it open. After a week, Alaric managed to crack the security code. We were prepared for almost anything... except what we saw. ♪ Homes... ♪ It was empty.

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