Meeting the father

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(Time Jump)

Isabelle Forbes Mikaelson was born a week before the death of Liz Forbes, Carolines' mom. After the funeral, Caroline decided she was gonna turn it all off but wanted to make sure that her child was safe until she was emotionally stable again. That is how there was a partly emotionless caroline in the car driving to New Orleans.

Caroline parks and takes the baby carrier in her hand as she walks through the streets, to the Mikaelsons home in New Orleans. She received instructions from a witch on how to get there.

At the compound

Klaus: It's time to use our werewolf army. Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location.

Jackson: No, we need all hands on deck here with Hope. (Klaus' eyes widen in annoyance) Nik, you can compel humans to track your enemies.

caroline takes down the two vampires at the entrance to the compound and sneaks in the compound hiding so those cant see her, baby Isabelle in her arms.

Klaus: Do my ears deceive me or did you just give me an order in my own home?

Jackson: This ain't about your ego, Klaus! It's about what's best for that little girl.

Klaus: (furious) How dare you question my intentions for my daughter!

Caroline listens bored.

Hayley: (reluctantly) Jack, Klaus is right. Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means that he's either powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him. Either way, we're not finding them unless we send our best people out there. (Jackson sighs in frustration)

Klaus: (patronizingly) I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them posthaste.

Jackson: (stands to look Klaus in the eye) Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Hayley is asking. (Klaus opens his mouth to speak, but Jackson cuts him off before he can say anything) Don't think for one second that I take orders from you.

Caroline decides to make herself known

" Oh dear lord, so dramatic. Props to you werewolf man for not listening to Klaus, cuz I never did." Jackson stands up alarmed, while Haley and Klaus look confused.

" Do you two know her," Jackson asks

" Yes? Caroline why are you here." Klaus asks.

" I am not here for you don't worry, though you are looking extremely amazing, though you have gone a bit soft it seems. Oh by the way your two vampire guards are well temporarily dead, should keep a better eye on them. Though the girl I snacked on the way here, was absolutely delicious, god I love the people here." Caroline says as she sits on the couch.

" WHos the kid?" Haley asked off-put by the way she talked.

" And what's wrong with you?" Klaus asks.

Caroline unemotionally laughs," Kids names Isabelle Forbes Mikaleson, our child. No clue how it's possible, don't ask me. She's about two weeks old, and um my mom died a week ago, so I turned off my humanity, I think that sums it up. Oh wait, your gonna have to watch Isabelle, now cuz I can't watch a kid with no emotions on. Lastly, I am putting her in your care till I am available again, and if she is returned with not even a scratch on her I will make sure to kill you bring you back to life, before killing you all over again. Got it?" Caroline says as she hands the baby to Klaus and speeds out of the compound before anyone says anything.

They look around to see Isabelle on the couch, and caroline completely out of sight.

"What the hell just happened?!?" Haley asked as all three of them look at the baby dumbstruck.

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