Chapter 11

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~ { Third person POV } ~

"Ooooo~" Everest teases  " I sense Love in the Air~" Marshall Finishes Everest sentence. "I can second that guys!" Zuma fists bumps Marshall. "Our baby has grown up so fast." Christine says while hugging Will {Skye's Father} 

"Mom!" Skye says Embarrassed, "Stupid dare." Skye whispers. "Aw, don't be bummed Skye." Tracker says while comforting Skye with a hug. "Thanks Tracker." Skye hugs back. Tracker then blushes. Uh oh. The Marshall and Zuma look at each other with worried faces. 

Skye then notices their weird behavior. "Is everything alright Zuma and Marshall?" She then breaks the hug and looks at them both. "Nah, everything is Fine!" Marshall says trying to cover it up. Skye then gets annoyed, knowing that her Friends are hiding something. 

"Guys, what's REALLY going on."  She said in a annoyed tone. Excuses, they need excuses. "Well we're just hungry right Zuma?" Marshall Nudges Zuma on the shoulder. "Yeah!" Zuma goes along with it. Skye then buys it. "Oh right! I think the food is done by now! Mom, Dad can you help?" Skye says while walking towards the kitchen. 

"Coming!" The say while following behind her. "That was close." Marshall whispers to Zuma. Rocky then joins the conversation. "What was close?" Rocky whispers to them. "Well, you saw how Tracker just hugged Skye right?" Zuma Says while walking away to a less crowded area with Marshall and Rocky. 

"Yeah, what WAS That?" Rocky then catches up. "I know right!" Marshall replies "Tracker even blushed. We need to fix this problem." Zuma Suggests. They all nod and Return to the others. "Alright, Food's Ready!" Christine Calls out. We all head to the Dining area.

"Alright!" Will says while playing a pot of chicken in the middle of the table. It was surrounded by vegetables and a pot of cornbread. "This looks amazing Christine!" Rubble says while taking a seat. "Why thank you Rubble!" Christine says while exiting the kitchen.  We all took a seat.

Chase was next to Skye, Skye was next to Christine, Christine next to Will, Will next to Tracker was next to Rubble Rubble was next to Marshall, Marshall was next to Everest, Everest was next to Zuma and Zuma was next to Rocky all the way around.

"Dig in Everybody!" Will tells everybody, they then start to plate their food. Rubble was the first to finish plating it. "Wow! This is delicious!" Rubble complimented, "Why thank you Rubble!" Christine said taking the compliment. 

~ { Half way into the dinner } ~    

It was going well, they were talking, the food was delicious but one thing keeps on bugging Zuma , Rocky and Marshall: Tracker. He had his eyes glued on Skye the whole time. Witch made Skye Uncomfortable, we all felt it but Skye didn't say a word about it. She just moved closer to Chase and Keeped talking. 

~ { Marshall's POV } ~

Alright, this has to stop. I purposely dropped my fork making a loud...


Most of the talking stopped as stares went to me, but quickly stopped and they continued talking. I gave Rocky and Zuma 'Follow me.' Looks. They nodded and I went to pick up my fork. "I'll be right back." I informed the others. Zuma and Rocky got up and followed me to the kitchen.

"Alright, this has to stop." I placed my fork on the counter in the kitchen. "True, he keeps on staring at Skye, it even made Skye feel uncomfortable. We can all see it." Rocky added. Everest then walks in the conversation. "What's going on?" Everest asks concern in her tone of speak. "We think Tracker likes Skye." Rocky said catching her up. Everest lets out a small sigh. 

"I felt like I was the only one who noticed." Everest Admits. "Oh good." Zuma says relieved. "First up, we all know they like each other. Its obvious." I said, they all nod. "It really is."  Zuma agrees. "Next, we need a plan." Everest continues. We all thought for a while. Rocky snaps his fingers, alreting everybody he has a plan. "What's the plan Rocky?"Everest says interested. 

"So, we set up a date between the two of them-" Zuma puts a hand on Rocky's shoulder and Shakes his head. "Awe." Rocky puts his head down. We again think about it again. Everest the snaps her fingers. We all look at her to tell the Idea. 

"How about. We...

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