Chapter 6

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Now , I shall FIANLLY look into other people POV's, Stay tuned!


~ { Everest's POV } ~ 

Wow, I can't believe this is Skye's room! I looks amazing. I look to the corner. "Oh My gosh, Swinging chair I call dibbes!" I jump on the pink and white swinging chair. I watch as Skye sits on her bed. 

"You guys wanna see something cool?" Skye said with A grin. We all nodded our heads. She picked up a remote, pressed one of the buttons and her room turns blue and white themed. "Mega cool dudette." Zuma Compliments. They fist bump. I feel like I forgot about something but 

I just can't put my finger on it. I look at Chase looking at Skye and putting a hand on his cheek. "Oh..My..Gosh.." I whisper, I notice that when Skye had "Kissed" Chase's Cheek, nobody noticed but me.  I felt like Squealing but I couldn't. So I just tapped my Finger repeatedly. The higher the squeal, the faster the tap. 

~ { Marshall's POV } ~  

 I'm just casually sitting on the bedroom floor of Skye's Room, I look over to my left, I see Everest tapping her finger. 'Something's up.' I move over to where she was. "Everest, are you alright?"   I say with concern. I look up and she looks down. "

 Skye kissed Chase. On the Cheeck."  Ok Not expecting that. I look over to our Soon-to-be Power couple. Chase had his hand over his cheek that Everest Claims to see Skye Kiss. " Wow." I whisper back.

 " I bet 50 bucks She will kiss him today." I whisper to Everest. " I bet 100 bucks she's gonna wanna be his Girlfriend AND Kiss him either today or tomorrow." Everest counters. "Bet." I close off the bet, it starts now. 

~ { Skye's POV } ~

"Skye?" I look down to Rubble " Yeah?" I answer back. 

" Do you have any food?" He asks. I nod " I'll go get ir. I'll be right back." I walk towards the door, but Everest blocks it. "Can I come too?" She Also asks " Sure!" She moves aside. We open the door and exit to the kitchen. Silence. 

" Ok Everest, what's the question." I say walking down the stairs. " Alright, do you like Chase?" I was Excepting that question. I nod in a response. Everest looks at me shocked. " What?" I say trying to get why she looks shocked. "

I-It's just that I though it would be hard to get you to admit it." It is true. In most teen moives I watched its usually hard for people to admit it. I just Shrug my shoulders. 

~ { Chase's POV } ~ 

I watched as Skye exited the room, I finally come out of my trance. "Dude, you were look at her the whole time." Zuma Acknowledges. "I-I Wasn't. You must be seeing things Zuma." I snap with a stutter. "No. YOU must be staring at things then." Marshall says joining the convo. He points to my hand still on my cheek. I quickly take it off. "You are crushing on Skye."  Rocky says as he stands up.

 "What If I was who couldn't? She Just took down What she calls " Her Arch-Enemy " With no sweat. After a Day She's one of the most popular Person At the Entire School! She's The most beautiful, Smartest , Kindest, Strongest and Agile person there. And She's a Spy for Crying out Loud! How could you not lov- I-I mean like her. How could you not?" I gave a whole speech on why I like her. I just dug myself even deeper.  "Congrats dude, you just proved you liked her." Marshall Teased. Just before I could snap back...


"Scramble." I whisper. Rocky runs inside the closet with Rubble. Marshall and Tracker just hide under the bed, and I just run into a pile of blankets. Zuma hides behind the closet. 

"Skye?" A man calls out while opening  up the door. I make a small peep hole to see who is there. 'That must be Skye's father'  I thought. I see him walking closer towards me. I decide to hold my breath so he doesn't notice me. He walks close enough for his pants to be touching the blankets. He bends down, ' This is the end for me.' I thought. 


Skye cries out standing in the between the frame door. "Oh hey hunny, I just thought I heard noises." Her father defends. "Alright. Just please leave my room." Skye says calmly. I see Everest with cookies and Snickerdoodles behind Skye. 

"Alright." Her father admits defeat and walks out. He kisses Skye on the forehead and walks out . They enter the room and closes the door. I start to gasp for air, i bring the blankets off of me and the others climb out of their hiding spots. Everest sets down the platter of cookies on a table. 

"That.. Was WAY to close." Tracker admits. "Yup. I felt like I was gonna die." I chuckle. We laugh at being in that situation. "So what kind of Cookies do you have Skye?" Rubble says walking over towards it. 'Oh rubble' I think, laughing at my own statement. Today was a good first day.

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