Chapter 15, Part 2

Start from the beginning

“Do you think you two can you help carry some bags to the car?”

“Then we’ll go and get some hot chocolate at the café.”  She whispered, grinning.

That put a smile on their faces. They both picked up a bag each, put their hood on and headed towards the exit. I zipped up my new coat over my bump and put my fluffy hood on,  following behind and pushing the trolley with the rest of the bags.

Louis was sat in the front seat of the car with his headphones on and his head leaning against the window. I put the bags in the trunk while mum helped buckle Aliah and Emily in their booster seats. Then we both got in the car and got out of there. Leaving the madness of that shopping trip behind us.

The Café was packed, which was to be expected. Miserable winter weather called for warm hot chocolate and cookies. The four of us hopped out of the car and went in. Mum went with the girls to find an empty table and I went to over to the counter. Eli was there. Rushing around in such a scramble sorting out multiple orders at once, Jordan was in the back cooking the food, but Why wasn’t Eijai helping him? I wondered.

I cleared my throat and knocked my knuckles on the wooden counter, in an attempt to get his attention. “I’d like to order 4 hot chocolates with marshmallows. 2 small, 2 large, please.”

“OK, I’ll be there in just a minute.” He was so focused on the order, he didn’t even realise who the customer was. 

“Rye!” He said excitedly, when he finally noticed. He passed the two coffees to the lady, who was waiting patiently beside me, and ran round to give me a hug.

“I haven’t seen you in here, in like... forever.” 

“Yeah I know. Its been a while.” He let go of me and went back round to continue his work. He looked exhausted.

“Where’s Eijai?” I asked.

“Oh, he’s sick at home.”

“Oh no, is it the flu?”


“You look like you could do with a hand.” 

I squeezed passed a few customers, behind the counter then passed Eli and hooked a disposable apron around my neck. 

“Rye, I’m fine, you should go and sit down.”


Eli looked at me like I was crazy.

“Rye, you’re heavily pregnant, Jordan would probably not be happy with you doing this, and no offense, but you can hardly fit back here.”

“First of all, sort of offensive, but I’ll let that slide. Second, you’re not fine. You’re running around like a headless chicken trying to do all this on your own, so let me help.”

“Fine, but when Jordan comes out and sees you, I’m going to tell him I had nothing to do with this.” Eli said.

“I’m not scared of him, so let’s get back to business.”

Eli and I sorted out a system. I took the orders and he made them. It felt good being back behind the counter working again. I never realised how much I missed this place before now, but I really did. I hadn’t worked here in 7 months. The atmosphere of the shop, people talking and laughing. Parents wiping chocolate moustaches of their little children’s faces. Serving meals for couples on Romantic Dates and strong coffee for the heartbroken. All reasons why I loved this place. I’d hate to admit this, but maybe there was a slight chance that Jordan was right. Perhaps I should consider this being my full-time job. ‘Consider’ being the key word.

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