'You're definitely drunk, the accent is coming out again' he teased. 'You look good, by the way' he added. 'And not in a "I want to steal you from Seb" kinda way. Just in a "I want us to be friends" kinda way' 

'Lew, you know we never stopped being friends.' She smiled. 

'And now, please a big round of applause for our next guest. She's been part of our women for the FIA programme, spending a year in f1 with Bernd Maylander in the safety car.' 

'Oh, that's me' Joey said. 'Fuck I am drunk' she whispered, trying to balance herself on her heels as she got up. 'Stop laughing, Lew' she hissed.'also you might not laugh by the end of this' she cryptically added before going over to the stage.

She heard a couple of wolf whistles coming from Kimi and a stern 'Kimi, please' from Seb who was clapping along with the rest of the room.

'Leaving the stage to Joey, who has prepared a little something' the speaker said.

Joey cleared her throat. Public speaking was still one of her least favourite things to do.

'Hello everyone. Firstly, i would like to statt by thanking the FIA, Charlie and the team for the amazing opportunity I had this past year. It wasn't always easy, but it was the best year of my life.' She said. 'I am not here to tell you a soppy story about myself, but as all of us in this room know, being a woman is not easy in motorsports. When I started karting, I was a ginger, Irish-born girl with a working class single parent competing against privileged, rich white kids.' She pressed on the first slide of her presentation. 'But there was one who wasn't. One who had talent that exceeded all of us put together. One who had to fight more than anyone else to get recognised. Mr Lewis Hamilton' she pointed at Lewis who was smiling at her. 'So, of course, our families got friendly.' She showed the room another picture of her and Lewis in racing suits and a young Anthony and Connor smiling at the camera.

'I'd like to take the time now to say I have beaten 5 time world champion Lewis Hamilton quite a few times in a go kart'

She showed another picture of one of the podiums she had shared with Lewis growing up. 'But I kept being reminded that there is no space for women in F1. And this is changing now and I do hope we will get to see many more female racing drivers in the near future. And to the people who say women do not belong in the car, I leave this little video'

The lights dimmed and the final video she shot for the FIA started playing. The people in the room watched it in an almost religious silence. Joey looked over to Sebastian who had a proud smile on his face.

The lights were soon turned on again and Joey was accompanied by loud applause as she walked off the stage. She sat back at her table, where Seb and a very drunk Kimi had returned.

'It's all bollocks, you know?' Kimi slurred.

'What is?' Joey asked, confused.

'That women don't belong in the car. I don't think I've ever been in a car with someone as in control as you were' he explained. 'I think you'd be good in F1'

'Thank you, Kimi' she smiled. 'Talk to someone high up, then, because I might need some points on my super licence for that' she joked.

'If Seb's still allowed to drive…' Kimi shrugged.

'Oh wow, thanks Kimi' the German laughed. 'But I agree with what my former friend has said. I'd like to see what you could do in f1'

'Maybe I should give that W series a try… after kicking a few asses next year that is' 


The night ended with a lot more alcohol and a lot more laughter, especially thanks to Kimi's drunk antics. Joey and Seb walked out in the freezing cold night of St. Petersburg hand in hand. They hailed a cab down and they were soon back to their hotel. Joey kicked her shoes off and let herself fall on the bed. She had drunk way too much and all she could hear in her head was Liam's voice reminding her about all the extra training she'd need after the holiday season.

'Süße?' Seb called, sitting next to her. 'Thank you for being so amazing this year. And for putting up with me' 

'You make it pretty easy, Seb' she smiled. 

Seb smiled, embarrassedly, pulling her closer to him to sweetly press his lips on hers.

Joey made the kiss deeper, starting to unbutton his shirt. Seb freed himself from his suit jacket and reached over to the back of Joey's dress to unzip it. 

'No bra' he smirked. 'You're really making it easy for me'

'Always do' she joked. 'I know you guys are always trying to save that 100th of a second'

'Really? Racing talk? In the bedroom?!' Seb teased, tracing his fingers on her now naked shoulders.

'I thought fast cars were the only thing that could get you hard' she replied. 

'Jo, you're really terrible' 

'Have I been a naughty girl?' She asked, biting her bottom lip.

'Very very naughty. Maybe you don't even deserve what I had in mind for tonight'

'Fair enough' Joey suddenly stood up and pulled her dress back on. 'I'll go for a shower, then' 

'Don't you dare' Seb jumped up too and pulled her towards him. He freed her from her dress and gently lifted her onto the bed. He pushed her legs apart, tracing his fingers on her thighs creating goosebumps on her skin. Joey was holding her breath in anticipation, she could already feel herself getting wetter and wetter. 

Seb's index reached her clitoris, teasing it with short circular motions. When he pushed a finger inside of her, Joey couldn't contain a moan.

Seb picked up the pace, losing himself in the ever louder whimpering sounds coming from his partner.

Joey reached for his trousers and unbuttoned them, freeing his penis from the constraints of his boxers.

'I fucking love you so much' Seb groaned, before pushing himself inside of her.

Eyes on the prize- Sebastian VettelWhere stories live. Discover now