21. The day It all Ended

Start from the beginning

Like this many people from before had also come to attend Stefan's funeral because he was a good person and everyone knew that.

So, Caroline wanted to talk to Lizzie because she had received a letter saying that Lizzie did not want to talk to her and obviously Caroline was upset so she got off her plane and before meeting Elena, Damon, Bonnie or anyone she went straight to Lizzie's room hoping to see her.

Caroline knocked on the door and slightly opened it to see lizzie sitting on her bed with a few tissues and a check list for all the things that needed to be done.

Caroline said, "Hey can we talk" 

Lizzie nodded as she knew that Stefan's death was hard on Caroline so she tried to not hold a grudge.

"You know, this was the day I lost Stefan, but it was also the day I married him, he was, is and always will be the most epic love of mine. He was a human and I loved him I knew he was gonna be gone one day I just did not expect it to be so fast." said Caroline as Lizzie controlled her tears and made sure Caroline was okay by holding her hand.

"I can not imagine how bad it must be for you" said Lizzie

"Well yeah but I learnt this lesson a little late but you should never push away those whom you love and I love you Lizzie" said Caroline and Lizzie was a little confused on what just happened.

Like this Caroline left the room leaving Lizzie confused in her thoughts wondering why was Caroline apologizing. It was safe to say that Lizzie could not figure out why Caroline was constantly apologizing to her when it kind of should have been the other way around.

After this by around noon everyone was busy prepping the funeral and Lizzie was managing the seats and Penelope and Hope were always around each other because they were the only ones here who did not have a personal connection to Stefan Salvatore, while Josie was busy managing a few decorations and doing things here and there.

"So what are we supposed to do next" said Hope

"I think we should just sit I do not want to overmine any of them" said Penelope as both of them sat towards the back.

As all of this continued Caroline, Damon, Elena and Bonnie were sitting in the front row. Kol, Davina, Marcel and Rebekah were sitting in the second row.

Lizzie, Josie, Sarah Salvatore and Matt Donovan were sitting in the third row.

While Penelope and Hope were sitting in the last row.

Damon got up from his seat to make a small speech for Stefan's funeral, he started by saying, "Stefan and I were always a team, even though we fought each other if it was anything else we were always a team. He and I did many bad things to each other that I personally do not exactly feel good in telling on his funeral, but he was a hero and so was his hero hair" said Damon as everyone gave a small pained chuckles.

"But he went and closed hell and saved you all from a very bad fate, witch is something you all must be thankful for, because of course hell is gonna open its doors wide for me" said Damon as everyone gave a small pained chuckle as a few rubbed the tears.

"But you know, at the end of the day he was my family, he was my always and forever." said Damon as Hope got a small shiver from her body.

And once the whole thing ended everyone gathered around his grave to lay down petals and spread it around. 

While spreading the petals Hope noticed that someone had put a whole rose on the grave, which seemed weird as we were not allowed to, so Hope nudged Penelope as she was the one with her, she said, "Who put that rose over there?"

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