He pulled open the box, smiling instantly.


"I WIN!!" Dream yelled jumping into bed
"you cheated" sapnap jumped next to him
"did not!"
"did so!"
"what's that?" Sapnap asked
"my older sister gave it to me. she told me it helped her when she had her first heart break so to keep it close in case that ever happens"
"huh, it's pretty!"
"it is"
"what's inside it though? look there's a zipper"
"i don't know. she said not to open it until i need it"
"give it!" Sapnap spoke
"huh? why?" Dream asked
"so i can give it to you when that day comes!" Sapnap spoke
" you sure?"
"i won't break my promise! no matter what i'll be there!" Sapnap smiled


It was a brown bear with a locket on its neck, and a zipper on its back.
"you kept it?" Dream asked lightly, his voice still raspy
"i told you i wouldn't break a promise"
Dream smiled, " did it always have a locket?"
"nah i added that"
Dream unraveled it, a picture of that day. they were in their pajamas and had begged sapnaps mom to take the photo.
"open the zipper" Sapnap insisted
"i've been wondering what was in that thing for like 8 years" sapnap added

Dream slowly unzipped it, a tiny note fell out.

'First heart breaks suck, but you gotta follow your heart. if you really love them, fight. don't give up, you got this. i know you do <3'


George sat at the bleachers, Maddison practicing with her chest team down on the grass.

Dream approached him, "Hey"
"Hey" George spoke

it had been a few days since they had last spoke, since the kiss.

"what are you doing here?" He asked
"What i can't come to the school bleachers anymore?" Dream gave a laugh
"you know what i mean, what are you trying to do? ive told you that we can't be-"
"i know" Dream spoke "but before all this we were still friends right? i guess i just missed being able to talk to you"
"Yea i miss it too. but i really just can't risk my dad finding out, not yet. not by her" he spoke
"i get that, i'm sorry."
George still looking at the team, ignoring the urges to stare at him.
"well ima go, you gonna be alright?" Dream asked
George nodded, as he watched the blonde walk down the steps.

About 30 minutes passed before their practice ended. George made his way down the steps towards his girlfriend.
"George!" She planted a kiss on his lips "Didn't we do great? we're totally gonna beat the other cheer teams"
"yep, you did great" George spoke, walking away to the exit
"what's up with him?" George over heard one of the girls ask
Madison ran to catch up to him, "can you not be such a dick" she spoke
"your the one who's making me pretend to be your boyfriend" George answered
"well can you atleast put some effort?"
"i came to your stupid practice im letting you tell everyone we're still dating, what else do you want?" George spoke "if you want someone who'll be nice to you then go find someone who is dating you cuz i don't know, they like you?"
"you used to like me, what happened?" she asked
"are you forgetting the part where you cheated on me then black mailed me into dating you?"
"no, before then. you stopped liking me a long time ago, George"
A silence broke between them, "i'm gonna walk home, if that isn't a problem with you" George spoke before walking away


George entered his house, his mom and dad stood next to each other in the kitchen.
"your doing it wrong, it's like this" his mom insisted
a smile on both their faces as they turned to see George walk through the door.
"Your home!" his mom shrieked her smile only growing
"you better have not been at that boys house again" his dad spoke
"Honey their friends! leave them be" his mother spoke "we made some food!"

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