When I got to my office, I dove straight into work. I had a lot to get done and turnover. I needed to forward all the current and upcoming projects to Quinton Rodgers. I still haven't hired an assistant. It just didn't feel right. It's my own fault so I can't even complain.

Around 11:30, I made my way to the company's conference room. I was pleased to see everyone here on time. I signaled Quinton to stand by the podium with me. He already knew what the announcement was but I still needed him here.

Everyone settled down as they saw me standing by the mic.

"First I want to start by saying you guys have been doing a terrific job. We're having our best quarter yet and I'm confident we will only be going up from here. I'm excited to let you all know that we will be having a twenty percent pay increase-"

Cheers erupted all over the room.

"You the best Moretti, woo!" I heard one of my employees yell amidst the celebration.

"Alright, alright. Settle down," I chuckled. "I also have another announcement."

When everyone got quiet, I spoke once again.

"This may come as a surprise but many of you didn't know that I have a child on the way and I will be taking some time off to be there for the mother of my child as well as my kid when they eventually get here. The COO, Quinton Rodgers will be assuming all duties in my absence. I will pop in from time to time to make sure things are running smoothly but for the most part I won't be around. I expect you all to treat Mr. Rodgers with the same respect and if there are any questions feel free to email me with your concerns."

After my announcement, I stuck around to answer a few questions but for the most part they were congratulating me on becoming a father. Some even offered to share some 'new dad tips'.

I was really excited to spend more time with Samai. I wanted to be there every step of the way during this pregnancy.

Driving back to Samai's place, I knew she would be surprised that I got back so early. It's now after one which is way earlier than my usual 6pm time.

Parking my car in the driveway I walked up to the door and opened it to see Samai sitting on the couch in a sports bra and shorts. Her little baby bump poking out as she snacked on a honey bun. She looked absolutely gorgeous as she sat there engrossed in whatever she was watching. Her hair was in tight curls around her face and went past her shoulders. One thing I didn't know, was that hair grew during pregnancy. Her hair has gotten some length compared to where it was five months ago. She hated it, saying that it was already too much to handle before.

Once I closed the door, Samai's looked in my direction and her eyes got wide. She quickly (and not to subtly might I add) used her hand to push something behind her. She then scooted her booty on top of what she was trying to hide. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Hey love, you're home early today, how was work?"

"Fine, now what are you hiding?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Playing dumb I see. Okay no problem." I dropped my briefcase to the side and shrugged my jacket off and walked to her.

"What are you doing?"

"Simply giving you a proper greeting."

As I reach down to give her a hug, I lifted her up to see what she was hiding.

"Wait no!" She shrieked. "I can explain,"

"Really mi amour?"

Behind her was three boxes of honey buns. Two of the boxes were empty and the last one had one left in it. I put her to stand up and she gave me a sheepish look.

"Where'd you get so many?" I asked.

"Instacart," She answered.

"Samai I love you but these are way too sweet, you can eat 'em but not so much." I looked back at the box and saw that six came in each pack so that meant she ate 17 of them.

"I know, I know. I normally find them cloying but I've been craving them lately and once I started, I couldn't stop."

"You've been having some serious cravings lately." Just last week she was eating tons of fish, which she usually hates. She ate sushi, sardines, tuna, steamed fish with crackers and some other weird ones.

"I know, half the things I'm consuming, I don't even eat them on a regular basis." She shook her head. "Ooh by the way! I found this really cute stroller set but it's blue, and the gender neutral colors are all sold out. Maybe we should've found out the gender."

"We still can if you want mi amour,"

She lets out a big sigh.

"No that's just me being impatient, I'm okay with waiting."

"Are you sure?" I asked once again.

"I'm positive, and now since you're here, let's talk about that thing from this morning." She reminded.

"Right, okay let's have a seat." I felt my nerves building up again. I had a real strong feeling she would reject this but I still had to ask. "Mi amour, we're five months pregnant now and as you know, this place isn't big enough for all three of us. I think it would be a good idea for us get a new place."


"I know but please just consider.....wait what?" She laughed at my response.

"I've been thinking about it too, but under one condition. We'll go half and half paying for the house and it'll be in both of our names."

"I can pay for the house and put it in both of our names mi amour."

"And I said what I said,"

"Okay, that won't be a problem."

"I know it won't," She winked at me.

"Is that sass I hear in your tone Ms. Johnson?" I lifted her so she could wrap her legs around me.

"I'm sure it is," she snaked her arms around my neck and looked down at me lovingly. She landed a sweet kiss on my lips.

God, what the hell did I do to deserve this woman? I knew as long as I lived, it will always be her. I will forever choose her.

"I have the sexiest baby daddy in the world," She smiles. "Look at his jawline, and the pearly whites."

My face got hot after hearing her compliments.

"Are you blushing Mr. Moretti?" She smirked.

"Can you blame me? When I have the most beautiful woman in the world?"

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

Gurgling noise interrupted our intimate moment. I smiled when I realized it was her stomach, she's hungry.

"Homemade or takeout?" I asked.

"I'm kinda feeling for Wendy's."

"Wendy's it is,"

Why won't college let me be great? So, I did some spontaneous shit and took a flight to Jamaica on the 11th. Classes are officially over since Friday So Why tf two of my classes added a last minute assignment. An essay and a video assignment that's due this week. And respectfully, I'm not doing them ☺️.

Anyways, thank you guys for 92k reads. I hope you all enjoy your Christmas🎄

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