Chapter 19: Anna, You're Dead

Start from the beginning

With five minutes left, I got another text from Daniella saying that all the other girls were... let's say jealous.

"Hi guys! How are you all tonight? Oh, look who we have here?" I smirked as the girls came in and at last Daniella and Anna. They both giggled and made their way to a long white couch that could fit four people.

"Fancy seeing you here!" I grinned standing in front of Daniella and placing my hands on my hips. Niall being next to me, we sat on the couch across from them.

Even though all the other girls were fangirling over us, Daniella and Anna just sat there giggling.

This meet and greet was... different. I couldn't stop staring at Daniella, meaning the other teenage girls got a bit jealous... and mad.

"Okay! Picture time!" Zayn ran over to the camera and all the girls squealed in excitement.

"I'm next to Harry." A tall, blonde girl with obviously long extensions said with an obnoxious tone to her voice.

"Niall's mine." Her friend cackled, as her curled blonde hair swished as she ran over to take the picture with us.

I could just see the jealousy in Daniella and Anna's eyes. Sitting over there on the couch, they saw just exactly how these girls fell right on us. Just drooling over us... which didn't make me or Niall comfortable.

"Daniella and Anna's turn!" Louis yelled and we all motioned for them to come over. With no smile on their faces, they stood in front of me and Niall and smiled a fake smile at the camera.

"Now now... you girls can't be sad when you take a picture with One Direction. Here boys, let's show them how to have fun!" Niall said winking, and we all played along.

I turned Daniella around and smirked widely at her. She just sighed, then I just picked her up underneath her bum and swung her around so I was carrying her bridal style.

On the other hand, Niall and the rest of the boys had Anna all in their arms laying sideways. Her head by Niall and her feet in Zayn's.

I looked down at Daniella and she was smiling very widely.

"Made you smile." I whispered in her ear before the photographer took three pictures.

20 minutes later, the meet and greet had ended and Daniella and Anna were back with us.

"So I called Danielle, and she's coming over to hang with us. Hey, you two should call Perrie and Eleanor so we can all be together!" Liam beamed at his great idea.

"Yeah! That's great, I'll do that now." Louis and Zayn both left the room to go call their girlfriends and in minutes they came back with the good news.

"They're coming together so they'll be here in 20." Zayn said as we all sat in our dressing room waiting to go somewhere. Which that place we didn't know where yet.

"You guys had an amazing show," Anna said breaking the silence, "I really enjoyed tonight!"

"Me too, it was really fun!" Daniella added.

"Thanks, it was pretty cool seeing you guys in the front row cheering us on!" Louis laughed, along with everyone else.

"Where should we go tonight?" I asked, curious to know where we should go.

"Uhm, we could either go home or... or... we should go to a club!" Niall suggested.

"We should?" Liam made a face.

"Yeah! That'd be so much fun! Who's with me?" Niall seemed like he really wanted to go.

In the end, we all decided to go to a club, which was our usual one called Club 99.


Daniella's P.O.V:

Even from the limo, I could hear the blaring music coming from Club 99.

"Ready babe?" Harry said to me, holding my hand.

"Definitely!" I stepped out of the limo along with Anna, Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, Danielle, Louis and Eleanor. We all walked up to the entrance and without having to give I.D because they obviously knew the boys, we walked in.

Being pulled in every direction, I got used to my first time being at a real club. Surprising, I know.

From a distance I saw Zayn over getting a drink at the bar, Niall and Anna dancing against each other at the dance floor and Harry walking towards the bathroom. No sign of the others.

'Scream and Shout' was playing so it made the club act crazy and I didn't exactly know what to do. So, I just went over to Zayn and asked if I could stay with him.

"Y-yeah... suuuure Annnna." He slurred, obviously drunk. I've been here 20 minutes and already encountered one person drunk.

"Heeeeere. Drink thus." He handed me a glass with white liquid inside but I just put in back on the counter. Even though I should stay with Zayn, I had to go find Harry.

"Harry?" I whispered walking to the hallway Harry had walked down.

"Oh! Hey Ella!" Harry exclaimed behind me, "Sorry I just used the bathroom. Come on!"

He pulled me to the dance floor so I got into the mood and danced along with him.


"That was sooooooo fuuuuun!" Anna slurred, drunk too. Practically everyone was totally wasted. Not me though. I think the only ones not wasted was me, Liam and Eleanor.

Once the limo pulled up my apartment building, it was pitch black outside. Before I got out of the vehicle, I checked my phone. Totally shocked, the screen read 3:53 am. My eyes widened and I just helped everyone out of the limo.

"Uhhh... I can't waaaalk!" Harry laughed and just as he got out of the car, he tripped on the curb and fell face first on the pavement.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" I yelled, running over to him. He lifted his face and I saw a bloody lip and scratches on his cheeks.

"Harry... you are drunk. Please get up, I'll clean that up when we get to my flat." I helped him up, trying to get everyone to quiet down.

"Shhh!" I said when we got into the building. I helped Harry walk, Liam helping Danielle and Eleanor helping Louis.

Just as we were in the middle of the lobby, Anna just had to scream.

"I'm druuuuunk!!! My name is Niall and I love being druuunk!!" She yelled and I just vigorously turned around and covered her mouth.

"Anna! Shut up!" I hissed and led everyone to the elevator.

But, obviously we weren't quiet enough.

"Who's there?!" A familiar, deep mans voice yelled out from the end of the hallway. Getting even scared by the sound of his voice getting closer and closer, I hurried everyone into the elevator.

Just as the doors were about to close, two big hands held the doors open. Opening my squeezed eyes, I opened them to see the man I dreaded to see.

The big and scary man who came to my door this morning, telling me and Anna to quiet down.

Ah shit.


A/N: Muahahaha! What's going to happen next?

*Question Time*

What's your favorite type of cookies?

Mine would either be peanut butter, chocolate chip or white chocolate :)

Grrr... I'm sick and OMG, while I just wrote that I sneezed 3 incredibly horrible sneezes.


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Love you all my little duckies...

~Victoria ♡

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