Shadow of Doubt

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Chapter 3

A/N: hey everyone, back for another chapter! Remember, the OCs in this story belong to Gabeherndon308, and I don't own Star Wars or the Dragon Prince.

So, without further adieu, onwards to our epic tale of magic and adventure!

Violet eyes narrowed and the assassin raised her sword. "I'm sorry about this, but I have to do this. I don't want to but I have to."

"Why?" Callum piped up peering out from behind the Jedi. "You know this is wrong."

"An assassin doesn't decide right and wrong, only life and death."

"that's very clever, but come on, really? How does this solve anything?" Callum said. "It's like Trezac said, and eye for an eye will leave a lot of blind people."

"The humans attacked us unprovoked! Now we're attacking you, provoked," she growled before the rest of her statement processed and her eyes narrowed as she raised her blade. " said you were Ezran!"

"He was protecting me," Callum said stepping out from behind Trezac with his hands raised. "Don't blame him."

"Callum!" Trezac hissed shoving the other teen behind him.

"Guys?" a new voice spoke and Trezac cursed. "Guys?"

"Go away," the duo hissed at the wall.

"I found something."

The elf raised a brow, looking at the painting, then at the boys. "Are you talkin' to that painting?"

Callum chuckled nervously, "Uh, why would I do that? Cause it's not a good time!"

Ancients this little idiot was going to get them killed.

"Why?" The painting swung aside and Ezran stood in the newly revealed doorway, holding a jelly tart his mouth. Blue eyes widened when he noticed the situation. "Callum? Trezac? What's going on?"

There was an angry growl from the girl. "Which one of you is lying?!"

"Hey, how is this worse than you trying to kill us?" Callum countered.

"Have you met Bait?" Ezran asked holding his favorite pet up. "Say hello to my little friend."

Trezac felt a surge of power coming from the small creature as it began to glow and he instinctively covered his eyes. Bright light filtered between his fingers and he heard the girl cry out, her blades clattering to the ground as she was blinded.

"Follow me, I have to show you something!" Ezran exclaimed.

Without missing a beat, Trezac snagged Callum's arm, and pushed Ezran ahead, using the force to seal the painting shut behind them. He wasn't sure how long that would hold the assassin, but right now his priority was getting the princes out of here and to the Banther Lodge.

"Ok, I haven't been here long enough to know my way around this place, where are we going?" Trezac questioned.

"This way!" Ezran said, clutching Bait tighter as they ran.

Rolling his eyes, Trezac picked the little toad up and hoisted him under one arm. It would do them no good if Ezran got tired from carrying the little beast while they were trying to escape. At least he was used to making daring escapes with heavy supplies.

"YOU'RE ONLY MAKING THIS WORSE!" the assassin's voice echoed after them.

Trezac cursed, she recovered faster than he hoped she would.

"Worse how?!" Callum retorted and the Jedi felt the urge to smack the elder Prince. Seriously, shouting at your attacker will help them find you!

"Here!" Ezran exclaimed skidding around a corner and leading them to a dead end.

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