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There wasn't much left of Zexus' stronghold. Those few men-at-arms that had survived both the coming of Razak and the titanic battle between the demon and dragon, had long ago fled into the surrounding fields and further wilderness; stragglers were either dead or wounded so badly that death was inevitable. The stronghold was virtually destroyed. Debris littered the ground for hundreds of feet in all directions, as if the buildings had been blown apart rather than knocked down. Part of one tower remained, yet its supports were all but destroyed. It would be coming down too soon of its own accord, and so would end the last of Zexus' great accomplishments.

The group of companions gathered themselves together once more. All eyes rested upon the youth with doe eyes as he moved to their center, helping Jimin along, as the little mage had used himself up in his spell work. Handing him off, the doe eyed youth turned a sad visage upon their fallen leader, resting on the ground.

Jungkook knew exactly what had happened in the end. Jimin's spell had allowed the thousands upon thousands of tormented souls trapped within Razak to find the strength to rise up, and free the one among them who could turn the tide of battle. Jungkook's dragon spirit had risen in song as the phoenix flames mounted to violent life out of his own fiery fury. Taehyung's soul had flown freely, feeding off both the flames outside and the demon's hell within. He'd burnt away all of the demon's powers, leaving him helpless against the fiery onslaught, and Razak had then burned with the fury of two ancient beings bent on his demise.

Breath caught in Jungkook's throat at the memory. Oh, the sheer joy it had been. After Razak's ashes were reduced to nothing, the two creatures had then faced off against each other, each the perfect vision of power.

The Phoenix's song had streamed through his head, and the two had agreed instantly. There would be no more death. No more destruction this day. The phoenix had then melted away, promising a return before time ended, and the world was no more.

Jungkook knelt next to Taehyung's prostrate form, and reached out to brush a stray lock of that unruly hair from a face that had softened into some kind of peace in death. Tears welled in those ancient eyes, and the youth allowed them to fall. Nothing could have ever hurt so much as having a heart that had seen so many things, broken by death that could never be received.


It was a day later that found the group already a great distance from Zexus' stronghold. The Equestrians had survived the battle, freeing themselves and running from their building as it collapsed downwards consumed in fire. The fact that they had already been saddled proved even more helpful than had first been planned. They managed to catch the extra horses they needed, and each member had their own steed when all was said and done.

It was with a slow, careful step that Cheonma now pulled his new master's body behind him on a makeshift sledge, wrapped in a spare cloak until they could either burn or bury him, as was proper to honor the dead. The white stallion's sapphire eyes stayed on the tracks of the Equestrian ahead of him, and he hardly seemed to notice as Borahae picked up behind and to the side of him.

The others didn't really know what to think. Jungkook had insisted upon riding with them, when he could have just as easily flown off. Indeed, he had been overjoyed to find that Borahae was waiting for them outside the stronghold's tilled lands.

It was unnerving for them to think that the black dragon they'd witnessed earlier was still inside the comrade they'd all come to consider a dear friend. It was felt that they should tread carefully around him, as if afraid of waking that which lay within, but Jungkook very quickly put a stop to that kind of behavior. It was soon seen that he was the same person they knew, just with something more inside of him that lent him that ageless appearance. It was an agelessness that was apparent in Hoseok to some degree, both being immortal creatures, and the time spent riding in his presence helped them get accustomed to it.

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