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The next thing Jungkook knew, he was waking to the soft feel of a bed beneath him, the unnatural flickering darkness strangely familiar. He was once more inside Gaia's cavern, only it looked like he was further back in a small cove-let that created a half room off the main one. It must be extremely helpful to be able to change one's home with a thought, he mused wryly.

A quick glance around revealed him to not be alone, as a peacefully sleeping Jimin came into view just across the small space. Hoseok was also asleep in the bed just above his, yet elvish sleep was lighter than that of humans as even the smallest sounds from the outer cavern made his pointed ears twitch. Jungkook would need to be careful of waking him should he wish to get up.

That was when the events of the previous day came back to him in a rush, and he was stilled with the suddenly mind-blowing implications of Taehyung's actions...not to mention his own. How had he gotten in bed? Surely Taehyung had not carried him...but that seemed to be the only explanation.

The dark eyed soldier must think he was terribly weak now, breaking down like that. It had never happened before, sure, but things can become overwhelming to a person who just learned the unavoidable date of his death, or rather, inexistence.

What would that feel like, not existing? His mind wandered for a moment at the possibilities. To no longer be able to feel the wind in his hair, the cool splash of water against parched skin; to never again see the sky as deep a cerulean blue...

Or would he be like a trapped mind within the being that was Yeouiju? Not able to control his own actions, only be a small part of a whole, yet with an awareness of his own. The thought made him shudder involuntarily.

Sure, he had broken down. It would have gradually progressed into hysterics if Taehyung had not been so comforting...so...kind. It had been nice to fall asleep in his arms, feeling warm and surprisingly safe. He might have blamed Taehyung for the blow he delivered, but in the end, he felt better for it. The dread and terror were still there, but there had been a kind of release. He didn't feel quite so hopeless.

Odd, how something like that could actually help someone feel better about losing themselves to inevitability.

Figuring he'd spent enough time asleep, Jungkook silently slipped from the low bed, and padded barefoot from the small cove-let into the main room, where there was no evidence of anyone currently residing.

The others must be elsewhere at the moment, which would leave him time to think about what his next actions would be.

His mind became a rush of thoughts tossed about in a virulent sea.

There were several possibilities for why Taehyung had done what he had; He could have simply been showing an act of kindness in trying to comfort him, perhaps trying to get closer and earn his trust, which was actually very important if they were to be working together. Or the other option. That he felt something towards Jungkook.

At the thought, he vehemently shook his head to clear it of such fantasies, for that's all they were. It would be foolish for anyone to feel for him; he was a dragon, and wouldn't be human for much longer. There were too many complications for anything to develop, much as he hated to admit it.

But he'd always been like that...or for as long as he could look back anyways. Truth, the hard brutal truth seemed to be the only thing Jungkook could find some amount of reality in. The truth kept you sane. No use delving into feverish daydreams that would send him over the edge with want.

The abruptly absurd thought that he was too hard on himself brushed through his mind, and it actually made him laugh out loud. A repressed, half laugh true, but a laugh nonetheless.

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