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By the next morning, they as a group decided to stay in their temporary cave home for another full day and night, regardless if Taehyung woke or not. The warmth was doing them wondrous good, even just from a single night's sleep. A full day and night of rest would help them be ready for what lies ahead.

Even though his lessons with Namjoon had improved his ability to defend himself, Jungkook was the one arbitrarily voted to stay in the cave and watch Taehyung as the other four went out to hunt and scrounge up more firewood. A bit put off, he nevertheless was glad for the time to simply watch by the yet unconscious soldier's side for any change.

It was good that they had gotten him warm so fast. Even out cold, he had a nasty cough that took him sometimes in fits that left him gasping. Each time one of these fits caught him, Jungkook tried to soothe as best he could, heating water and seeping some medicinal herbs they'd brought, trying to get even the aromatic vapors into the downed soldier. It did seem to help, because the coughing began to ease as Jungkook continued his ministrations.

The others filtered in and out, bringing firewood that needed to dry out by the already burning fire, and sometimes assorted nuts and berries that had escaped the winter snows.

Hoseok was the first to bring back game, a small winter bird that would have to be plucked and gutted before use. The elf paused long enough to do this, then handed the small bird to Jungkook, who would have the job of cook for the day.

The youngest took the bird and wrapped it in evergreen leaves, then tucked it into the coals. It would steam, and eventually bake the bird until it could be eaten.

Hoseok was gone again even as Jungkook did this. Jungkook moved outside, scooping some of the fresh, crisp snow into a pot to melt over the fire, then carrying it all back inside. All of their stored water had been used, and they needed to melt the ice for some more. Eating snow might quench thirst, but it was horrible for the body, filling it with cold from the inside, and only quickening hypothermia and frostbite.

By the time they had enough for a good meal, Hoseok had brought in a snow hare, and Yoongi another winter fowl with the use of snares. Wood they now had aplenty, and it was in the process of drying, that which was already dry pushed back to make room for the wetter material.

Jungkook set up the second bird the way he had the first, but the hare he put in the pot to make a warm broth they would try and get down in Taehyung's stomach. It was almost as vital as getting him warm in the first place.

Several candlemarks before sunset saw them eating a warm, filling meal inside the dry cave. They managed to get some of the broth into Taehyung, but they didn't want to push it too much, lest his body reject it.

After cleaning up, Hoseok was the one who voted to take the watch, and he would wake Yoongi at the third hour. Namjoon would then take the next watch into the morning.

This left Jimin and Jungkook with caring for Taehyung off and on, one of them always awake. Jungkook told Jimin to sleep first, the mage putting up a token resistance before falling to Jungkook's resolute manner.

As the rest of the group settled in for sleep, and Hoseok sat himself next to the far opening of the cave, Jungkook sat cross-legged next to the still form of the one person he'd opened up to a little.

Taehyung's breathing was deep, and restful, the medicinal herbs given to him having done their job well concerning his cough. Eyes yet closed, the soldier had not moved other than to occasionally toss restlessly in sleep, caught up in some dream or another.

Jungkook found his hand moving of its own accord, and the tips of his fingers brushed down the side of Taehyung's face, caressing the smooth skin there.

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