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Jessica's pov.
"Ok, you ready Jessica?" Hunter asked me.
"Just do it already." I said squeezing my eyes shut knowing that in a minuet I would feel a needle poking into my arm from the medication I was having to take because of the accident.
Then I felt it for a second before I felt Hunter take my hand off his elbow. Actually I had no clue I was holding on to it.
"You ready for graduation?" Hunter asked pulling me up from the couch into a hug.
I shrugged putting my head in his shoulder.
Hunter and I are going to different collages. He's going to Austin collage and I'm going to A&M collage. So, we only get some weekends together.
"I'm going to miss you so much Jessica." Hunter told me.
Then, for a second, I could swear I felt a light tear of water hit my hair. I looked up to see Hunter crying. His eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying all night.
"Hey, don't cry. We will see each other before you know it." I said kissing his on the forehead.
"I hope so." He said half smiling.
Now don't call me an over obsessed girlfriend, but I know when something's bothering him. I know he's not just bothered about the fact we won't see each other for about 3 to 4 months because we already addressed the issue so what would it be?

Hunters pov.
I cannot believe we are going to different collages. Especially when I have had this planned for 6 months.
"You ready?" I asked Jessica pulling her hat down her face.
"Yeah, thanks for that stupid." She said pulling her hat back up and smirking.
I didn't know what she was smirking about till I felt someone hop onto my shoulders.
"Emery, get off me you butt." I said tossing her on the couch.
"Hey, your leaving today. I had to have one last piggy-back-ride." She said laughing.
I smiled at her, walking towards her.
"It's not like I'm dieing. I will be here." I said sitting on the couch next to her,"Now if Drew gets to be a jerk, call me. You know you are my one and only sister and I will always love you munchkin." I said kissing her cheek.
"I'll miss you too big brother. I love you also." She said also kissing my cheek.
"Ok then, enough lovey-dovey stuff." I said walking over to Jessica, wrapping my arms around her,"Let's get to that graduation." I said winking at Emery, who winked back.

Alyssa's pov.
I am so excited. Jessica is going to be crying bad!
I grabbed my huge bag putting in lipgloss, tissues, a hair brush, water-proof mascara, phone, and a towel. The towel is for a prank if you haven't guessed.
"Alyssa, I'm here!" I heard Jake call down.
Coming I ran down the stairs and over to Jake. I ran into is arms in a hug before kissing him.
"Hiya!" I said before grabbing his arm and pulling him out the door.
"What's your hurry?" He asked me concerned.
"Jessica and Hunter! Duhh! Is Drew in the car?"
"Oh yeah, and yes." He said before we both got in the car driving away.

Jenna's pov.
Where is Hunter? I picked up the thing he asked me to pick up. What makes me mad is he won't let me look at it.
"Has he texted you yet?" I asked Gabe leaning against his arms as we sat in the car at the school.
"Yeah, he should be here in a few minuets." He said looking at me.
Just when I said that I saw him run up to the car.
"You got it?" He asked breathing heavily.
"Right here." I said handing it to him.
This will be so cute!

Jessica's pov.
"Jessica Reed." I heard my name being called.
I started crying as I walked up to get my diploma. I held it up for everyone to see, getting many claps.
I walked back and sat there, hands over my mouth, staring at my diploma before I heard Hunters voice in the microphone.
"Ok guys, the reason I stole this mic is so that I could ask a amazing girl a question." He said staring at me, smiling,"Jessica I have loved you for about three years now. Now I don't know why you started dating a idiot like me, but when you said yes you made it the happiest day of my life. Now if you would make me the happiest man alive and say yes to this question I would be so excited. So, no matter how nervous I am I am going to ask." He said getting on one knew and pulling a ring box out of his pocket.
I started crying, then Alyssa handed me a box of tissues.
"Thank you." I mumbled to her.
Hunter laughed a little before starting.
"Jessica, you are the love of my life, will you make me the happiest stupid man on earth by marrying me."
I laughed for a second while still in tears.
"Yes...yes I would love to." I said nodding while crying.
Then Hunter picked me out of my sea, spinning me around in the air. I smiled then kissed him for the last time at that high school that I'd found the love of my life.
This is the happiest day of my life. And knowing this I will have many happy days to come.
I never thought I would admit it, but I'm in love with Hunter Murry.
Making a second book. Hope you liked this chapter though.
Love you guys!

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