Going To The Beach part 1

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Jessica's pov.

"Beep, beep, beep."

I walked over to the oven to see if my cake was done. It looked pretty good so I took it out of the oven and placed it on the counter to cool.

After about 10 mintuets of waiting for it to cool, I took some icing, I had found in the back of my fridge, and made the cake look like a Willy Wonka topiced cake.

"Hey, we're back...and do I smell cake!" I heard Alyssa yell as her and everyone came threw the door for some kind of annoncement she had for us. I don't know what it was, but I am scared to find out.

"Yeah, I thought you guys might like some." I said as Hunter came up behind me, putting is arms around my waist looking at the cake.

"So cool." I heard him mumble through my hair. He kissed the top of my head before walking away to sit on the couch in the living room, where the meeting was being held.

I walked into the living room with the cake, while Jenna brought the plates. Me and Jenna then handed everyone, except Alyssa who go two, a piece of cake. After I got through handing them out, I walked over to were Hunter was sitting and sat on his lap.

"Ok everyone, I have a big question to ask y'all." Alyssa said smiling big looking around at everyone.

"Ok, and what would that be?" Jenna asked trying to make her get to the point.

"I was wondering if you guys would like to..."

Jenna's pov.

"I was wondering if you guys would like to go to the beach for a whole week!" Alyssa asked smiling at us before looking down at her cake and taking a big chunk of a bite out of it.

Everyone was quiet for a moment while looking at each other before replying "Yeah!"


Still Jenna's pov.

We all went home to get our clothes packed about 3 hours ago and now we are trying to fit all of our bags in the back of Hunter's van.

"Hey Jenna, come here." I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see Gabe looking at me with his hand out in front of him. I followed him to the trees around Jessica's house. When we got to a certain spot he stopped and looked at me.

"Jenna, I thought since we are going to the beach together and I thought it would be a good time for me to ask. Jenna, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking down at first, but as he talked on he looked up at me with a slight blush on his face.

"I would love to." I told him while giving him a light peck on the cheek before we walked back to the truck hand and hand.

Emery's pov.

I saw Jenna and Gabe coming back from talking hand and hand. He obviously asked her to be his girlfriend. I, by the way, helped out with that too. All I could think about was how I was helping them out with their relastionships, but at the sametime I couldn't seem to get a relationship started with Drew. Sometimes I wondered if he even likes me, but then he gives me that sweet smile or some kind of sweet gesture and I think about how lucky I am to even be friends with them.

"Hey Emery, are you coming?" I heard my brother ask.

"Yeah" I said hopping into the back seat of the truck, which just happened to be full leaving me to sit on Drew's lap. Although Gabe has Jenna on his and Jake has Alyssa on his.

Hunter and Jessica are in the front seats talking about something random when out of no where someone starts to sing.

"We're on a trip, a very rocket trip, running through the sky little einsteins.", Alyssa sang while everyone else stared at her like she was crazy,"What it's a very catchy song." She relpied shrugging her shoulders.

I turned around to Drew to see him chuckling and messing with his fingers. He only does that when he's nervous about something. I wonder what he's so nervous about?

Alyssa's pov.

After my little song to get us pumped up, I looked over at Drew to see him getting nervous. Ok, let me just tell you whats going on...I told him I would help him at least get a date with Emery, so in a little while there is going to be this big fair we pass by on the way to the beach. When we get there we will split off, leaving Drew and Emery by themselfs and time for him to ask her out.

I looked over to see that Jake was already asleep and when I did my phone started to go off with a text.

'Hi, I know you are friends with Jessica. You better tell her to stop hanging out with Hunter. If she doesn't I will come up with my own way to make them to stop hanging out with each other and it won't be pretty if I get in this. Oh and tell Hunter I said hi and that I love him.' The text said.

"Um Jessica...you might want to read this."

anonymous pov.

I looked down at my phone to see that Alyssa had read my message.

"Good, maybe Jessica will get the idea to stay away from Hunter." I said looking over at the boy you offered to help me with my little plan.

"Are you ready to go to the beach?" I asked him smirking.

"Oh...I was born ready." He said giving me a smirk back before walking stright pass me and into my car.

If I can't have Hunter no one can.


Hey guys, sorry I left you with a cliff hanger but thats what makes people keep reading. I hope you liked it.

Leave a comment on a good name for the anonymous persons friend. Just to clarify, I'm going to be needing a boy's name.

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