The Birthday

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Jessica's pov.
The rest of my junior year me and Hunter became best friends. Emery ended up becoming a little sister to me, just like Alyssa.
Alyssa and Jake have gotten closer but they only give each other pecks on the cheek and flirt a lot.
Jenna and Gabe have became a little bit of a thing. They go out on dates but are not in a relationship yet.
Emery and Drew are the cutest thing ever. Drew is absolutely head over heels for Emery and her the same. They like to hang out a lot, but don't actually go on dates or anything.
It was another day of summer and it was also my birthday. Yay...not.
I got out of bed at 9:00 to get dressed for another day of relaxing outside.
"Ding-dong." I heard.
I ran up to the door to see who it was and saw that it was Hunter. I opened up the door for him and let him in.
"Happy Birthday!" He yelled while smiling.
"Thanks." I said giving him a half smile.
"Come on, Jenna, Emery, and Alyssa are already having your party." He called out to me as he dragged me to his car.
When I got to the party I got lots of 'Happy Birthdays' and 'I hope you like my gift'.
After about 3 hours socializing at the party I went and sat at a table alone.
"Hey Jessica, follow me." I heard a deep voice say behind me.
I looked up to see it was Hunter. He started walking to his car, so I followed him.
When I got in he started the car and took off. I looked around at my surroundings and saw he was taking me to the park.
When we got to the park he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car.
"Ok, now let's play 20 questions." He said smiling at me.
"Ummm ok?" I said looking at him strangely.
We asked around 10 questions while walking around till I saw a cart full of balloons being sold.
"Hunter look! I want one, please!" I whined giving him the puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." He said giving in, but smiling all the same.
He bought me my balloons and handed them to me. I ran around with them for a minuet before sitting down on the ground and patting the place next to me waiting for him to sit.
"Ok next question." I told him looking up at my balloons.
After 8 simple questions that he asked me, he finally got deep.
"Why did you hate me?" He asked looking into my eyes, searching for an answer.
I signed looking to the ground before starting.
"I didn't exactly hate you, I just didn't like you. The reason why I didn't like you was because...well...when we first meet you were kind of a jerk. But the reason behind all of it is you seemed like you were always trying to be better than me at everything, so I tried to be better than you at everything and when you are competition with somebody for so long...I don't know. I guess you get use to not liking them and you end up not liking them all the time." I told him.
"It's your turn to ask the question." He said still looking deep into my eyes.
" you like me, as in, more then a friend?" I asked a little uncertain about asking the question.
"Jessica I don't just like you...I think I might love you. I don't know how and I don't know when...I think it just happened. I understand if you don't feel the same way but..." He said looking out into the open field that lay in front of us.
"Oh ok." I said looking at my shoes.
"Ok, for my final question, the 20th, I'm going to need you too look up at me." I looked up to see Hunter looking down at me with that obnoxious smile that I have gotten use to.
"Bring it." I said giving him my competitive face.
"I, Hunter Murray, have gone through the hate of you, the being your best friend, and to the point I might even love you.", he said smiling at me, "So I think since I have gone through all of that I should have the chance to ask you this one question. Jessica May Reed, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked holding my hand in the process.
I looked at him for a second before wrapping my hand around him and kissing him while my balloons made different colors of light shine on our face.
I pulled back and raised me eyebrow,"Does that answer your question?" I asked.
"Ummm...y-yeah...I...I t-think so-o." Hunter said staring at me with his eyes wide, but then recovering his shock with a smirk.
"Here's my last question for you.",I said looking at him,"Why do you love me?"
"Because you are the smartest, kindest, funniest, crazy girl I have ever met. No one could make me think other wise." And with that I kissed him again.

Emery's pov.
"Look,she said yes!" I yelled to Drew and the others.
"Yes!" We all yelled together.
"I told you we would get them together." I told Drew.
"And all it took was you threatening your brother that if he didn't grow the guts to ask her out you would drive his car into the river." He said smirking at me.
" did you find out?"I asked him.
"Your brother told me. Good job, by the way."
"Thanks" I said smiling at him.
I felt something warm and strong in my hand and looked down to see Drew was now holding my hand while watching the two lovebirds talk.
'This as been one of the best days of my life!'

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