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Jessica's pov.
It's been a whole week since we got back from the trip to the beach, also known as the week I was kidnapped.
I was sitting on the floor in between Hunters legs waiting for someone to come up with something to do.
"Goldfish." Jenna said to me as I reached down to pick up a new card.
"Goldfish? Did someone say goldfish? I could go for some goldfish!" Alyssa said getting up before laying down again, seeing we had no goldfish, and going to sleep while Jake played with the ends of her hair.
"This is so boring!" Hunter said before smirking and looking down at me,"I know how to make things speeding up." He started to bring his lips down as to say he wanted to make out but that wasn't on my agenda.
I ended up hitting him in the face.
"Ow! Why did you do that?" He yelled.
"Because I felt like it." I said smiling sweetly at him before turning back to my game.
"I know what we could do." Alyssa said looking at all of us.
"And when did you wake up?" Gabe asked annoyed.
"You...I don't like you,so shut up." Alyssa said turning to us,"We could all go on date night. You with Hunter, Jenna with Gabe, Emery with Drew, and me with um..."
"Yes Alyssa, I would love to go on a date with you." Jake said putting his arm around her burying his head in her neck.
"Awwww!" Me and all the girls said smiling sweetly as Alyssa glared at us, but blushing at the same time with a smile.
"But where would we go to for date night?" Drew asked looking around.
"How about that new fancy place, Bob's?" Alyssa said,"They do have an all you can eat buffet going on."
"Ok. Boys get out of the house! We need to get ready!" Jenna yelled pulling the boys up and pushing them out the door.
We then all ran to Alyssa's room,since we were at her house, and opened up her closet.
She had very few dresses, but just the right amount for us each to be able to choose one.
I looked around till I found a really pretty pink and white one I liked. It went down to almost my knees and had a pretty white belt to go along with it.
I tried it on and it for perfectly.
I then ran to her closet and jewelry box and found a pair of pink heels, a pink stone necklace, a pink pair of earring and a white purse.
When I looked at the girls I saw that they also looked amazing.
Jenna was wearing a black dress that went to a little under the knees with blue heels,a blue bracelet, blue earrings, and a blue handbag.
Emery was wearing a blue coral dress with plain colored heels and golden accessories.
Alyssa of course knew what the best dress in her closet was and was wearing it. It was a white dress that went mid-thigh and with it she wore golden bracelets with a white head band. She also wore white sandals that went perfect with her dress.
We then did each other's makeup. We all looked amazing. Then came the hair.
I curled my hair where it went down the back of my neck and some in the front of my face.
Jenna straightened her hair to make it look better with the black dress, making it flow down her back.
Emery straightened her hair to go with the flower pattern she had on her dress.
Alyssa also straightened her hair, but out of everyone, hers was the most controlled.
After we got done getting ready we sat down and watched tv, waiting for the boys.

Emery's pov.
We all sat there waiting for the boys until we heard the sound of the doorbell go off.
"I'm coming! Then we can go eat a whole buffet of food!" Alyssa said running down the stairs, one of her sandals slipping off in the process.
She opened the door to see the boys dressed in their tuxs and their hair combed.
"Hello, come one in." She said smiling.
All the boys walked over to us smiling at us.
"You look beautiful tonight." I heard Drew whisper in my ear.
I giggled before looking at all the other girls who were blushing as the boys were whispering something in their ears, except for Alyssa who was having a hard time finding her shoe.
"Found it!" Jake yelled from the middle of the stairs walking down towards her.
He walked up to her before kneeling down on his knee taking her foot with out the shoe on it. He then slipped the sandal on her foot and buckled it back on her foot.
"Perfect fit." He said before standing up and kissing her cheek.
"Awww." All of the girls plus I said grinning at her.
They are the cutest couple ever!

Alyssa's pov.
I looked up at Jake before smiling down at the ground.
"Are we all ready to go?" I asked still looking at the ground.
"Yeah." Everyone said starting to walk out the door.
We went out to the years to find 3 cars. Hunter and Jessica got a car with Emery and Drew. Jenna and Gabe it their own car just like me and Jake.
Once I got to the car Jake ran in front of me and held the door open to let me in, closing it once I had got in.
I sat there until Jake got in and started the car.
"So, what do you think they will have to eat at this place?" He asked me keeping his eyes on the road.
"I don't know. For all I care I could be eating a burger and wouldn't mind." I said smiling thinking about how good a nice, juicy, crunchy bacon burger would be.
"What are you smiling about?" He said laughing looking at me.
",...but mostly food." I said smiling at him.
Once we got to the fancy food place, I ran inside forgetting all about everyone else with only one thing on my!
"Hello and how can I help you." A woman in her early 20's asked.
"Um...a table for I mean 8." I said smiling at her.
"Ok follow me." She said just as the others came in.
We sat down and looked at the buffet menu. And boy was I pissed.
"$40 for one person to eat at the buffet!" I yelled out.
"This is ridiculous!" Hunter cried out looking at the menu.
We all started to go on about how bad it was till we all sat there looking awkward.
"Ok guys, here's the plan. When I yell 'Peanut Butter' you guys grab all the food you can find." I whispered before getting up and walking over to the chocolate fountain.
I looked over at my friends you were all giving me the are you crazy look. I just gave them the three-fingered salute from The Hunger Games.
"Peanut Butter!" I yelled before knocking the chocolate fountain over and grabbing all the food I could. Once I got all the food I ran out the door and to Jake's car.
I heard the beep of the car being unlocked to see Jake running with a arm full of food.
I smiled at him before hopping into the car throwing all the door down on his car desktop.
When he got in we both started laughing. I looked at the food to see there was two bacon chessesburgers. I picked one up and handed one to Jake smiling.
"Thanks that" He said looking at his burger.
"Yeah." I said bitting into my burger.
He then grabbed my hand as he started the car letting me help him eat his burger while he kept one hand on the stirring wheel and the other in my hand.

Hunter's pov.
I can't believe we just did that, but the worst part about it is that I can hear the sirens of the police cars behind us.
I looked around to see that they had found us.
When I got back to Jessica's house, the police got me, Jessica, Drew, and Emery out of the car then squeezing us in the back of the police car.
"Did Alyssa, Jenna, Jake, and Gabe get away?" Emery asked next to me.
"Yeah because the boys took a different route to get their dates home." I told her.
This was going to be one heck of a night.
~2 hours later
"Ok, you guys only get one call to get someone to bail y'all out so you better hurry." One of the police officers told us unlocking the door for us to call someone.
"I'll call my mom." I said looking at them.
"Ok." They all said quietly looking down.
Drew had his arms wrapped around Emery while her head was on his arm.
Before I had got up to call my mom I had Jessica on my chest but also in my arms. Now she had her arms crossed sitting against the wall.
I walked over to the phone and typed in my moms number.
"Hello?"I heard her ask in question on the other end.
"Hey mom."

Jessica's pov.
"So your mom is ok with what happened?" I asked him still confused.
His mom was dropping me off at my house before taking Drew home. But of course we were taking forever.
"No, but she understands why we did it because of the prices." He said smiling at me.
"Oh ok." I said smiling back.
"Well good night." He said taking the upper part of my back bringing me towards him.
"Good night." I mumbled before kissing him.
The kiss my slow and gentle. One of those kisses that make your stomach turn in flips. We stayed like that for a minuet before we pulled away.
He started to walk backwards, waving, until he hit his car, making him trip and fall through the open window.
I laughed before walking in.
What a night!
Well that's it for now, I hope you liked it.

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