The accident

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Jessica's pov.
School started about 2 weeks ago. Meaning me and Hunter had broke up a mouth ago.
I was driving on my way to my small little store I had a job at. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about that day with Hunter. I mean maybe I did take it a little far, but he was the one you said we shouldn't be together. Did he really want that?
All of the sudden, I heard a loud crash from my right ear and then a ringing. I felt myself being lifted into the air but my eyes were squeezed shut and then...blackness.
All I could hear were men talking above me, crying, and a lot of beeps. But that's all before I suddenly couldn't even hear that.

Jenna's pov.
I just got off the phone with a crying Mrs.Reed who had just explained to me what happened.
I am looking for Hunter because as much as she may hate him right now, he needs to know what's going on. He still loves her.
I saw him down the hall with his head in his locker.
"Hunter stop being a stupid and listen up." I said getting Hunters attention while he stared down at me with concern,"Listen...I don't really know how to say this but...It's Jessica."
"What's wrong with Jessica." He asked, eyes widening.
"She...she got in a car accident. She's not awake right now, they don't know if she's in a coma yet, but she hit her head pretty hard so the doctor said it was a huge possibility." I said hesitant to tell him.
"What?" Hunter asked tears in his eyes,"No not Jessica."
I watched him as he paled and started crying and wiping his eyes.
"Where is she..I-I have to see her." He said crying loud enough for everyone to hear.
"She's at the hospital right now. They have her in a room right now to treat her while she's under." I said telling him and walking off.

Hunter's pov.
The love of my life has been hurt an I wasn't there by her side to help her through.
I ran out of the school not listening to all the yelling of students and teachers.
I don't even care anymore! I only care about Jessica's health.
I drive myself to the hospital, crying and wiping away tears trying to get there as fast as I can. I parked and ran into the building and up the stairs to the floor with all the patients in comas. I ran around the halls looking for her room. Then I saw her mom in one of the rooms crying to herself. I stood outside till she saw me and walked over.
"Do you want to see her?" Her mom asked me gently, through her light tears, "Well I'll leave you alone with her. I need to go to the bathroom but I needed someone here to watch her." She smiled slightly before leaving the room.
I walked slowly to Jessica's bed and looked at her bruised face and split lip. But, unfortunately, she looked more peaceful than she had since the break up. I knew back then how wrong I was to do that to her. I just got scared to loose her that I eventually did anyways.
"Come on Jessica. I need you to pull through. I was a stinking idiot. I should've never said anything that day. I need you to wake up and tell me that, maybe even just hate me. As long as you are okay, I don't care what you think of me. Just please wake up." I said grabbing her hand as my tears started streaming down my face and landing on her pale small hand.
"You were an idiot. But she still loves you, I've watched it first hand. She hasn't taken any of your pictures down or deleted anything of yours. She's truly in love with you Hunter. Thank you for coming to see here and for not giving up on her love." I heard Jessica's mom say from the door. She startled me so in the process I had dropped Jessica's hand and stood up.
"Thank you." I said walking to her and hugging her, something I had never done to her mom.
"You two are the perfect couple I have ever seen. I would never let you guys split off because of something so stupid." Her mom said before pushing me back towards Jessica's bed.
Then we heard a movement from the bed and a small voice, her voice.
"Hunter?" Said the girl I'd been in love with since the forth grade.
"Oh my god, Jessica, baby. Are you okay? Do you need me to call a doctor?" I asked looking at her mother you walked out to find the doctor.
"Hunter, what are you doing here?" She asked quietly, finally opening her eyes and looking up at me.
"I'm here to make sure your okay baby." I said walking towards her bed.
I sat there on her bed for a minute before leaning down and kissing her forehead. Then I put my forehead on hers while I felt the tears falling off my cheeks.
"Are you crying?" Jessica said pulling my head up to look.
"Jessica..."I said before wrapping my arms around her.
We sat there for about 10 minutes then I started feeling nervous just like the first time I asked.
"Jessica, I know we have gone through ups and downs. We have hate each other then we came to the point where we loved each other. I know you just got in an accident and there may be bumps down the road because of this, but I willing to go the distance with you. You are my everything Jessica and from the moment we broke up I couldn't stop thinking about you. Now I have one question to ask you. Will you be mine again?" I asked on the edge of tears.
She looked at my, her hands covering her mouth and crying. She then started nodding trying to move around to hug me but instead I pushed her over slightly and shimmied my way into laying next to her on the bed, her head on my chest. She cried on my shoulder and I cried in her neck.
She is mine again and nothing could make me more happy then right now.
So there is a twist on the story. Didn't see that coming did ya? Hope you like it.

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