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Jessica's pov.
I walked into church trying to find Jenna and Alyssa. I finely found them talking to my other friends, Gabe, Drew, and Jake.
"Jessica!" The boys yelled running at me.
Once the boys got to me they all tackled me to the ground giving me a hug, even though I saw them the Wensday before that.
"Hey guys give her some space!" Alyssa said walking over to us and pulling the boys off of me.
"Thanks!" I said giving her a quick hug before walking over to Jenna and giving her one also.
We go to church in a different town thanks to how small our hometown is making it hard for us to see the boys on the days we don't have church. We find other ways to hang out like the mall, the sport events our schools have together, and restaurants we cans find close.
"Hey Jake, could you help me carry these cans to the classroom?" I heard Alyssa say.
I looked up to find that she had a whole box of cans for our bible school group to take to the can drive. Of course she choose Jake though. She's had a crush on him ever since our 8th grade church camp. Little did she know he liked her too.
I looked over at Jenna an Gabe and like always they were flirting with each other. I'm pretty sure they both like each other but even when I ask them they both tell me they don't.
"Hey Jessica," Drew said to me, I thought to just start a conversation,"did you hear we have a new family joining the church today?"
"No I didn't." I said looking around as we walked to the classroom.
"Yeah and I heard they have a boy our age and a girl a year younger." He said smiling big.
"Really!"I said as we walked into class.
I walked in and the saw a very familiar pair of eyes staring at me...Hunter and his little sister Emery had just joined my bible school.

Alyssa's pov.
Jake and I were headed to class, on the way there he talked about two new kids that we were going to get in our class. I was barely paying attention to what he was talking about. I was to into his eyes to even hear a word he said.
Jake was one of the greatest people I knew! He had blondeish brown hair, a good sense of humor, kind, loved to help me play pranks, and had gorgeous blue eyes.
When we walked into class I saw the new kids standing there talking to our Sunday school teacher. I was a little supprise to see it was Hunter and his little sister at first, then I remembered Jessica.
Oh crap!!!!!

Jenna's pov.
Right now I was talking to Gabe as we walked to the classroom. Don't tell anyone but in honestly I really like him, I just don't really like to admit it. When we got to the room we found a table to sit at. Once we say down we talked for a little while longer till I heard a deep voice in front of me. I looked up to see Hunter and his little sister.
Oh well...........wait what?
I looked back to see Hunter staring at the door. I looked to see who he was looking at and saw Jessica. Oh no!
Let the war begin!

Hunter's pov.
"I still don't see why we had to change our church." I told my mom for the billionth time.
"Because we needed to find one that was not an hour away from our house." She said glaring at me while she got me and Emery put in our bible school group.
"Ok you two," this lady next to me said pointing to me and my sister,"come with me to the classroom."
Emery and I followed her to this medium sized room with two people in it that looked around my age talking to each other.
It was a boy and a girl. For some reason the girl looked familiar, but her face was turned to the boy talking so I couldn't tell what she looked like.
"I wish we could have just stayed at our old church." I said to Emery looking towards the door to the classroom.
"Me too." She said sitting down.
I sat down next to her and heard a another familiar voice come through the door. I looked up to see who it was and saw the person I wanted to see the least...Jessica!
Oh My Gosh when will the torture end!
Hey guys, hope you like the story.

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