Meeting Stupid

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Jessica pov
It's the first day of 4th grade. I have no clue what I'm going to do, I'm not ready. I haven't even bought a pencil box yet! Not that I will be needing it no the first day....oh who cares everyone knows I hate school anyways.
My names Jessica Reed. I'm 9 years old and live in a small town in Texas. Not many people live here but it's been growing here recently. One thing will always be the same though, if you live here, everyone knows who you are and you know's just that small.
"Jessica, get up! It's your first day of school." My mom yelled at me from inside the kitchen.
I ran to my closet and pulled out my new shirt and skirt. They are black and white striped and come with black flats.
I ran into the kitchen to where my mom was making pancakes.
"Alright after you eat go in my room and get the curling iron so we can curl your hair." My mom said taking the pancakes and putting them in my plate.
*Couple of Hours Later*
"Jessica!" A voice screamed at me from down the hall. I turned my head to see my best friends Brooklyn, Alyssa, and Jenna walking towards me.
"Hey guys!", I said smiling at them, "Who is y'all's teacher this year?" My country accent coming out a bit.
"Mrs.Collinsworth." They all said at the same time.
"Cool mine too." I said walking towards the gym to sit down and wait for our teachers.
We sat down in a circle. With Alyssa on the right side of me and Brooklyn on the left. We all started talking about our summer and everything that happened.
Alyssa's had on a new red dress spreading out on the floor showing off a little of her newly bought white flats. Her brownish-blonde hair up in a ponytail, as usual. Her hazel eyes went well with the dress making them show off a little more.
Brooklyn was wearing new jeans with a short sleeved shirt with boots that went up to her knees. Her blonde hair also in a ponytail.
Jenna was wearing the usual blue dress, her hair curled, and mascara showing off her dark brown eyes.
We all looked really good today, but so did everyone else. I mean, doesn't everyone one on the first day of school?
When our teachers got there we finely were able to head to class. When we got there we sat down in groups of four. Therefore meaning me and my friends sitting at one table.
"Hey guys, do you see that new kid over there? He actually not that bad looking." Alyssa said pointing at the boy right behind me.
I turned around to see a boy my age with splitting brown eyes, brown hair that went up in a quiff, braces, and a nice t-shirt and jeans.
I had to admit the wasn't bad looking.
"Man he is really good looking." All of us said agreeing with each other.
"Ok class settle down. How about we play a game called pass the stick. I will pass around this stick," She said holding up a purple stick, "and you will only give your three best facts about you when you receive the stick."
When the stick got passed to me and I got to give me three facts.
"I have two little brothers,my birthday is July 26th,and I have an iguana as a pet." I said handing the stick behind me to the new boy, who I learned name is Hunter, while turning to watch him.
"I have a little sister, I love to hunt, and I have a dog." He said turning away and passing it on.
*at recess*
"Hold on, Alyssa. Wait up!" I yelled at Alyssa sliding down the slide and finding the soccer ball that we were playing with at the bottom, Alyssa was standing to the side waiting for me to pass the ball to her, since we just got out to the park area.
I passes the ball with her for a while until I heard a voice behind me.
"Hey, I need that ball!" The voice yelled from behind.
I turned to see Hunter walking towards me with his arms crossed.
"Well we're playing with it, so sorry. Maybe you can play with it tomorrow." I told him.
"Just give it to me. Girls aren't even suppose to be playing sports. Especially in a skirt."
"So what. I don't care. Just leave us alone. Us girls can do whatever we want to do without your opinion. Thank you very much." I said turning. around.
Suddenly he ran towards me and stole the ball. So I did what every normal person would do. Run and tackle him for the ball.
"Give it back." I said hitting his arm multiple times.
"What is going on here?" A voice said over me.
I looked above me only to the a teacher standing above us.
"He took my ball!" I said staring the obvious.
"Well that's not the way to go about it. Both of you detention after school today!" She yelled at us before walking back to her position.
I turned behind me to see what Hunter thought only to see that the jerk had a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye.
And when I saw that I knew I had just meet my enemy.

Hey guys, just comment what you think. Still don't know how to put who is playing who on here so just look below this for the list.

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