Chapter 23

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With the deal finalized, there were a lot of signatures to be placed on a myriad of documents. Mr. Francis's assistant, Roger, was a notary public, and was putting his stamp on everything to make it legal, and before too long Sam owned her company. Or did for about 30 seconds before selling it. She was given all the information to log into the bank accounts for the trust, and we quickly changed all the passwords so that her father could no longer get into them. The sale would be finalized in the morning, and the money transferred into the trust accounts before the press release would be sent out. At that point all hell would break loose with her dad, as he would get word from the new owners.

Among the items the trust owned were also the family house, a ski lodge in Aspen, a beach house in Hawaii, and a corporate jet. No boat. Damnit! Sam signed documents to sell it all. We had a quick discussion and came to the decision that we wanted nothing to do with the company nor anything it owned, and could use the money to start over with whatever we wanted. She also wanted to take care of Janine, so she directed that $50 million from the sale of the company be added to her trust.

It was scary to think that I was suddenly married to a multimillionaire. We didn't even realize it at first, but while the sale was worth $375 million, the trust itself already had $175 million in it just in corporate profits. With the sale of all the corporate properties only increasing the total, the money value became a little overwhelming.

Was this going to change things between us? A lot of people would want her for the money now, and some of them would be a lot better than Dave. Would I still be enough for her? She was still my Sammy, right? She didn't sell the company for money, but to free herself from the horrible legacy of her family! She loved me; I was sure of that. But I also knew that money could corrupt you.

But Sam seemed too pure of heart to go down that road, so I could only hope that she would stay with me forever, just as we had planned. I know I had no desire to ever leave her. She could have walked away with nothing, and I would be happy just to be with her.

When we left the lawyer's office, I took her by her old home. Not that I wanted to see any of her family, but because I was pretty sure it would be empty. Her dad should be at work and her cousins at school, so I thought it would be the perfect time to grab anything she needed from the house. I knew she had more clothes here, and there could be sentimental things as well.

"Why are we here babe?" she asked when we pulled up to the house.

"We're going to move you out. If nobody is here, then it is the perfect time. It also gives you a little time when we're done to use your phone to call Janine. He'll be confused if he tracks the phone here, and then you can turn it off again. I know you've wanted to, and then you can give her my number so she can call that to talk until everything is settled with your dad tomorrow," I explained.

She leaned over from the passenger seat and gave me a big wet kiss. "You're the best wife ever! I can't wait to show you how happy you make me tonight!"

I hummed happily against her, knowing that we'd both get our chance to do that to each other. We still had a lot of the sex scenes from her story to cover!

It took us about an hour to pack what was important to her, mostly clothing and pictures of her mom and grandparents as well as her laptop and some stuffed animals that meant a lot to her. I couldn't wait to have her moved into my house full time, though we might need to steal part of Jessie's closet to fit all her clothes! Once the backseat and trunk of the little Corolla were stuffed with everything that she needed, Sam took a little time to call her sister. I gave her a little privacy for that, and after a bit she came back to give me a relieved hug with tears in her eyes.

"She's so happy!" Sam sobbed into the crook of my neck. "She really wants to come home, and I miss her so much!"

"We'll get her here baby," I promised. "Did you give her my number?" My phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number answering the question for her.

To Those Who Wait (gxg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن