Chapter 6

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It was a good thing there was no homework the first day of school, because I couldn't have done it. Not wouldn't, couldn't. I had the house to myself when I got home, mom wouldn't be home till after her shift, which was usually sometime after 7pm depending on how busy she was. I'd have dinner ready for her by then, but in the meantime, I had to calm myself down from such an extraordinary day.

That was easier said than done.

I tried meditation, but that doesn't work when you smile and giggle to yourself. Yoga was the same, you're not supposed to sigh happily over and over while doing downward dog. So instead, I tried to be productive and work on the outline of my creative writing story. That I could do, since I was basing it off of my current experience of meeting Sam after all this time. I had to back off a little though when I realized my story had her marrying me instead of Dave. That might be a little too much too soon if I was going to let her read it. My last resort was dancing around the kitchen with the music blaring while making up a nice batch of garlic shrimp and pasta.

Needless to say, when my mom came into the house and saw that as her welcome home, she didn't have to ask how my day had gone.

"You found her?" she confirmed. I just nodded happily.

"And she still remembered you?"

"She's my girlfriend now!" I cried out, giving my mom a hug. We'd never had the whole talk about being gay. It never dawned on me to not tell mom about Sam every chance I could, so she knew where my heart was.

"I'm so happy you found her!" she said as she hugged me back.

"There are issues, but we're going to work on them. Her dad is a certified grade A asshole and has paid her two cousins to keep people away from her. Specifically, people like me. He also wants her to marry a guy she doesn't like just for his business. So, we have to figure out how to derail his plans." I just gave her the short version. I was too hyper to give her the whole story. Mom was just as upset about the whole thing as I was, though technically nothing he was doing was illegal, just horrible, though the coercing his daughter like that into a marriage might be able to be prosecuted if there was proof.

But even the short version helped to ease my mind. After dinner I felt almost drained from the excitement of the day and went upstairs to brush my teeth and relax in bed for a bit. I was scrolling through my phone to see what music to play when I groaned in annoyance. How had I not remembered I could text Sam now?

Me – Hey! Just wanted to see how your night went.

Sammy – Hi! Not great, M&M ratted me out to dad about you, I'm grounded. Which means nothing since I can't go anywhere.

Me – I'm sorry babe! Lucky he can't keep you out of school!

Sammy – Don't give him ideas!

Me – He may be a dick, but my mom is thrilled that I found you. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Sammy – I can't wait either! Watch your back though, my cousins probably texted Dave too, so he might come looking.

Me – He's a pitcher right? What hand does he throw with?

Sammy – He's a lefty. That's why the scouts love him I guess.

Me – I'm all set then. I'll win my princess!

Sammy – You're crazy!

Me – Only for you! Good night babe!

Sammy – Good night beautiful!

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, with visions and memories of the day with Sam on my mind. I even knew how to treat our library date tomorrow. I'd waited four years to see Sam, and nothing was going to stop us now!

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