Chapter 4

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Making my way over to Sam and her cousins, I tried to be friendly. They seemed to be having trouble trying to decide who would work with who. "Hey, looks like you need a fourth. I can work with Sam if you like."

"Fuck off, dyke, you're not touching her!" Maggie spit out.

I'm not going to lie, that hurt. I mean, I'd never labeled myself sexually, but since Sam was the only one that I'd ever thought about wanting to be with, lesbian probably works. The slur wasn't at all what I was expecting in school though. "Man, you really lean right into the homophobia, don't you? I'm sure I'll see you ranting at someone in a Tik Tok video with a Karen tag within a year or two," I smirked while trying to mask the hurt.

The two blondes glared at me while Sam stood behind them, hand on her mouth like she was trying to stop laughing. "She's not pairing up with you!" said Maggie, reiterating her stance.

"Oh, hey, no problem. I'll team up with one of you then." I apologized with a shrug. "Which of you two lovely ladies wants me to get a nice firm grip on their thighs today?"

"Oh, eww! No way!" Melissa said, backed away and dragging Maggie with her.

"Smart move." I nodded sagely. "I'm pretty sure that sweat transmits gayness germs, so you better back up, I might drip on you." Fucking idiots might even believe that shit.

"You're horrible." Sam giggled as she moved closer to me.

I could feel my face on fire as she came into contact with my hand, pulling me towards a mat to do the curl ups. "Nah, they're the horrible ones. I just like calling them out and making them uncomfortable."

"Well, I don't think your sweat will affect me too much," Sam stated as she crouched on the mat, then rolled onto her back.

"Oh, I was just kidding about that," pointed out Abby.

"Yeah, I know. But it wouldn't matter," Sam whispered with a wink. "I already caught it."

"Fuck me." I murmured to myself. I'd hoped, and certainly guessed, but it was wonderful to hear it!

I moved in a haze as Sam lay on her back, mechanically kneeling in front of Sam, pulling her knees into my chest while wrapping my arms around the other side to give her good support. I looked down into her eyes and noticed Sam was looking up at me, with her lower lip between her teeth.

"Like the view?" she asked with a smirk.

I could only nod, thinking that this was going to be the beginning of many a fantasy in my future.

"Well take a picture, it'll last longer," Sam joked.

I just shook my head ruefully. "It isn't enough. A picture is only worth a thousand words, and I'd need at least a million for you."

Sam's face broke into a broad smile, her cheeks turning pink at the praise. "Well, my cousins might not like you gripping their thighs, but keep hanging onto mine for me, will you?" Sam quickly started in on her curl ups while I kept count for her.

"Your cousins are assholes," I pointed out with a smirk.

"Yep," Sam replied, her eyes flicking past Abby's shoulder.

"Keep your hands off her dyke!" Maggie growled as they stated doing their curls right next to us.

"I'm pretty sure this is how to brace your partner," I replied with a partial shrug.

"Fuck you!" Bitch one said while flipping her off. "Just don't get too close to Sam, her fiancé won't like that."

The fuck? I shot my gaze towards Sam again, and she gave me another small headshake. I assumed I'd hear more about that next period.

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