Chapter 2: Drinks and Darlings

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A/N: Here's chapter 2, Enjoy reading!

Warning: Errors ahead.


CHAPTER 2: Drinks and Darlings

'It's probably the effect of my tired brain, the cold wind, and the fog. They're just making it creepy.' I thought to myself as I stood a few feet outside of Drinks and Darlings shivering ever so slightly as the wind blew on my left making my coat rise and fall.

I couldn't ignore the bad feeling about this place which is kinda odd because I've been here before numerous times and I didn't get this feeling. I just got this now, but due to tiredness, I decided to ignore it.

'All I want right now is a sip of some good beer.' I thought as I clenched my hand and imagined the feeling of drinking once again as I walked near Drinks and Darlings door.

I slowly opened the door and it chimed signaling my arrival. I hesitantly stared at the inside of Drinks and Darlings.

Broken tables, broken chairs, ripped wallpapers, shattered plates, and bottles on the floor. It was a horrible sight! It looked as if a mini storm happened inside.

And in the middle of it all, a man with shaggy black hair that covered his face was sitting down on a chair with a broken stool. He was looking down yet seemed to be muttering words that I do not understand.

'Mission abort. 'I gulped and decided to slowly leave but then I stepped on a broken plate resulting in a loud crunch!

The man froze and I sweatdropped, then he slowly turned and look up at me.

'Why aren't you moving? Run!' I told myself, but I couldn't. The man's head turned to my direction, although I couldn't see his eyes, I can feel him staring at me up and down. Assessing me, Judging me.

'Is this the end?' I asked myself in thought. For some reason, I felt... fear towards this drunk man.

The man then slowly stood up and walked towards me, no, more likes swayed towards me. Like, he was on a boat that kept on bobbing up and down, he finally reached me and moved his face closer to mine.

I resisted the urge to vomit, it would have been okay if it were just some simple smell of any beverage, but this man smelled like sweat, beer, and...trash?!

I think I feel like fainting.

The man's nose scrunched up as if he was smelling me, he grabbed my wrist and smelled them clumsily.

"You smell nice," the man said as he moved his nose close to my neck.

'Unlike you,' but I held that retort in.

"Oh, velvet tobacco!" he exclaimed and placed his arm on my shoulder like we were best buddies who got separated and had a reunion.

"Come come, join me." The drunk man said as he pulled me, surprisingly he had a strong grip.

"Great night, Mr. Zelkry," The bartender, Mister Darcy greeted as he popped out from under the bartender's table. That man appears anywhere, I learned that when I first came here in Drinks and Darlings.

I gave Mister Darcy a pleading look but he just looked away, whistling, pretending to clean a cup.

"Come come," The drunk man said as he grabbed a fallen chair and placed it in front of the table where he was sitting a while ago.

"N-no thank you, I'll just go sit s-somewhere else," I said trying to remove the grip he has on me.

But of course, I couldn't.

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