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It was a faithful and quiet night in the city of Crethymon. Many people are currently sleeping in their homes, some are working night shifts, while some simply couldn't be bothered to sleep.

Many things usually happen around this time in Crethymon. Odd, and bizarre happenings.

For example, in one faithful home located in Bourivard Street Number 43...

Someone is currently being murdered.

"They will never know, they will never know." Someone continuously mutters as they relentlessly stabbed the man on the floor while sitting beside their victim in a hunched manner.

Their victim, which was now dead, was looking up with lifeless eyes and when noticed by them, they couldn't help but smirk as blood splashed on the cheek.

Once the adrenaline slowly wore off, the person then stopped stabbing the man and calmed down their ragged breathing.

Then, as if to remind and embedded the thing they caused, they inserted the knife deep into the man's chest and left it there.

Then they slowly stood up and moved away from the body.

'Finally,' the person thought with a crazed smile on their face.

"I've been waiting for this moment and now," they paused looking back at the dead man, "I've done it!" They rejoiced.

"It'll finally be my turn." They whispered in awe of themselves.

The man looked around the messy and bloody room and smiled, 'It'll all go according to the plan. No one will know it was me!' they thought smiling psychopathically. Grinning wide from ear to ear.

After checking the place one last time making sure no evidence was seen, and that the crest they wrote on the wall was neatly made, the person then slowly yet swiftly left the crime scene through the window, dropped into the floor, ran, and disappeared into the dark allies of Crethymon trailing little spots of blood as they left.

Once the killer was gone, the room wherein the body remained stayed silent and eerie. The curtains against the window would flutter slowly due to the wind creating a much deeper atmosphere.

What the person didn't know was that another person was there, staring at them and enjoying the show that was presented in front of them. 'What an interesting show, that was.' They thought smirking.

Then the person jumped down from where they were previously watching and the dark cape behind them followed.

The person was wearing a black suit, a black top hat, a white mask, and in their gloved hand was a red rose.

The person walked towards the doctor's body. Then placed the rose on the man's chest. "May you rest in peace," they muttered with their voice having hints of sarcasm.

The person stayed to do some business for a while and soon, with one snap of their fingers, they disappeared leaving nothing behind except the rose and the opened window with it's curtains fluttering freely.


So yeah.... that was the prologue.

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