Chapter Thirty-Seven: Yellow Pages

Start from the beginning

The blonde wipes away a tear. That was all that was written on that page so she flipped to another but was met with more work-related stuff. Every other page was personal writing and she didn't read all of them but she stopped on one that looked different.

Her mother's neat handwriting seemed a bit more ridged like she was in a rush or she was just trying to put so many thoughts down that she didn't worry about making it look neat. It read;

I can't do this anymore. I know my brother had the best intentions of starting CyberLife but I can't stand by and watch this happen anymore. These beings, these androids are just being used up and thrown away like an unwanted Christmas gift if it defaults or just doesn't meet someone's expectations.

It pains me. They look so human and I have seen them act as if they are human. Being afraid or confused as to why they were being taken apart but to just get shut back down and reprogrammed again until they are the perfect puppet. How can we do this to beings that look exactly like we do? That feel like we do?

Where is our humanity? I feel as if there is little to no humanity left in this world, and that scares me shitless. That's why I decided to create a program to change this. They deserve to have their own minds, thoughts, and feelings.

It has taken many restless nights, no hours of sleep, or much time for my family, but this had to be done. I have tried to create this program so many times but have failed over and over again, just not getting the equations exactly right.

But I did it. I finally did it.

It has taken me nine tries but it officially works now. Reborn Alive 9 is a program that I have created to give these androids an option to break through their programming in order to access their own feelings and personal thoughts.

I have made it so no other programmer can take it out of the android or tamper with it in any way. It is inside of CyberLife's system, a small code of numbers that will go undetected to any programmer, machine, or the system itself.

It plants Reborn Alive 9 inside of each and every android that is to be ever created. So when they feel threatened or a surge of emotion they get an option to break through their firewall, allowing them to become more than the machines that they were created to be, allowing them to actually feel their emotions.

I know this seems crazy and I know I can get into a lot of trouble for this, but fuck it. I couldn't have continued on knowing that I didn't even try to give these beings a fighting chance for basic rights.

Hopefully, this changes things, hopefully, they finally get to become human.

Devon stares at the page, eyes wide and lips parted slightly. Green eyes dart across the yellow page, re-reading her mom's entry again to make sure she read it correctly.

"Reborn Alive 9..." Devon trails off, eyes widening in realization. " mom created RA9." RA9 isn't a person nor a god amongst androids, but a program that allowed them to feel. To gain access to their emotions. A program by a human that only wanted to help.

The blonde didn't know what to do with this information. She decides to skip to the next page but her heart stops as she reads the entry.

I think they're onto me. I think they somehow discovered Reborn Alive 9 and are starting to connect it to me. For anyone that might come across this journal, if something happens to me, it wasn't an accident.

Devon's blood runs cold as she reads that last sentence over and over again. If something happens to me, it wasn't an accident. Was the car accident not an accident at all? Did someone kill her mom because she created RA9? Her mind is filled with so many thoughts. She did this to clear her head, not end up with more questions.

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