Ch 37 Back to School

Start from the beginning

At least this is how the seating started out. It wasn't long before Barack was arguing with his parents. He finally went over to his grandmother Weasley and insisted, "I older than Minerva!"

His grandmother replied, "You are almost the same age, Barack."

"I not sit with all the babies," he insisted. "I big enough to sit with the big children, like Minerva." Barack pointed to where Minerva was sitting on a booster seat between her two big sisters, Lily and Ivana.

"Minerva is sitting between her sisters," Molly noted.

"I sit next to Uncle Hugo," Barack countered. He ran over to Hugo and informed his uncle, "I sit next to you, cause you family like Minerva and her sisters."

Hugo looked over at his cousin Fred, who was grinning at him. Fred shrugged, indicating by his gestures that Barack moving was amusing and acceptable to him.

"If it is all right with your parents you may sit next to me," Hugo laughed.

Grandmother Molly stood up, and looked at Barack's parents, who indicated that it was fine if Barack moved. She then waved her wand and Hugo's dishes moved over to be next to Hugo. She waved it again to move the booster seat.

Once that was settled, Molly and Victoire made sure there was plenty of food for each table.

Molly Weasley loved it. Victoire loved it. In the brief period since Victoire had moved in with Teddy she had become more and more her grandmother's partner in managing this growing crowd of relatives.

Harry and Ginny left right after a light lunch, as did Ron and Hermione. All the children living in the Grimmauld Place homes left shortly after.

The girls all headed upstairs to the adjoining rooms of Lily and Ivana, taking little Minerva with them. Rose was going to go over all the clothes and jewelry that the two older girls were going to be taking back to school with them, and to talk about 'girl things.'

Louis, James, Albus and Hugo stayed in the drawing room of twelve Grimmauld Place and talked about Hogwarts, Quidditch, and the like.

Harry and Ginny sat in the library, enjoying the peace and quiet.


Monday after breakfast Scorpius and Cleopatra came to twelve Grimmauld Place through the Floo. Ginny was waiting for them, along with Albus and Rose.

"How was your weekend, Cleo, Scorpius?" Ginny wondered.

"Tense," Scorpius replied. "My father and great-grandmother Malfoy were furious at Cleo for leaving. I think when we said she saved Albus's life it only made them angrier. I think great-grandmother Malfoy is the worst. I don't want to live there after I graduate.

"Albus and I will be married by that time," Cleo volunteered. "I won't be rooming with you, Rose, so you and Scorpius can marry and live in your room until you can afford your own place."

"Better than living at Malfoy Manor," Scorpius muttered.

"I want to talk to Teddy," Cleo told Ginny. "I do not know much about my great-grandmother and the island, and I think I need to know more."

"Me too, if as the prophesies seem to indicate we need to fight Jezebel together," Albus added.

Ginny really did not want to think about Albus and Cleo having to fight Jezebel, but she had to admit that they were probably going to have to, so she nodded her OK. Albus and Cleo took the Closet over to the New Burrow.

Grandmother Weasley and Victoire were sitting at the kitchen table with Sojourner Truth P/W, the Elf who was the manager of the farms around the New Burrow. There was a map of the properties on the table, and it looked like they were talking about what was going to be planted over the next year. Maria was in a playpen, sitting up, rolling over, and just practicing moving. She could stand, but getting into a standing position was not always easy.

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