And monitoring her of course. Doctor's orders. Lots of temperature checks with my tongue in her mouth.

The clerk's office was about as exciting as one might imagine. It made the DMV look like the State Fair. Luckily there wasn't much of a crowd in the middle of the week, and yet the wait was still over an hour. After that, it still wasn't fast, the process seemed to drag on for the rest of the day. Thankfully paperwork was pretty simple and having my mom there for the parental approval helped calm my nerves. But holy fuck! I was going to marry my Sammy!

We looked over the paperwork once everything was signed, stamped, paid for and filed. "Looks like we can get married on Sunday," I decided. "Wanna go buy some rings with me?"

"Rings? Yeah!" Sam agreed readily. "I have to call the lawyer too, make an appointment for Monday. That way we can get everything done and we can go back to school on Tuesday."

"Sounds like you two have a good plan then," my mom stated. "Let's get home and sleep on it, and then tomorrow you can go to a jewelry store and go dress shopping."

The drive home was full of excited chatter, and when my mom ran into the pizzeria to pick up our dinner there may have been another small make out session in the back seat. What? We had to celebrate our engagement! Were we young and rushing things? Of course. But we were doing it for good reasons, and we had love on our side.

I also had an understanding mother who had no problem with Sam spending the night in my room. Of course, when she was my age, she already had two kids, and she knew Sam and I weren't going to knock each other up, but it was still nice for her to not give us a hard time about it. Besides, we were officially engaged now, and we were going to go buy rings in the morning!

Engaged! To Sam! I couldn't believe this was happening, but I was so damned happy!

And in three days she'd be my wife!

Holy shit!

"You're going to be my wife," I whispered to her as we snuggled up under the covers of my bed.

"Yeah, I am! Are we going to consummate our marriage together?" she asked with an innocent expression while running her hands down my back towards my butt.

"You mean right now?" I wondered. "Or after our wedding?"

"Now that it's so close, I kind of want to wait till we're married. Is that weird? The other day I wanted it right away, but now I think I can wait a few days." Sam said. Her hands were roaming freely now, and it made me wonder if she was just trying to test my ability to withstand any urges that I might have. With her in bed, I was constantly fighting off those urges!

"It isn't weird. I think I can wait a few days if you can." I agreed, while letting my hands start to explore her too. We were both in nothing but oversized tee shirts and panties again, so there was a lot we could easily explore.

Sam's questing hand slipped its way under my panties and gripped my ass, pulling me into her. "Are you sure about that?"

I gasped as I looked into her eyes, seeing a devilish glint in them. "Sam, are you trying to see how far I'm willing to go right now? Or just testing my self-control? Because I don't know how much control I can maintain when it comes to you. I might just decide I need you right now."

She blew a gust of air from her mouth in frustration. "I don't know what I want. Part of me wants to let you to do whatever you like to me, and the other part wants to wait till we're married. But you're in my arms and bed right now, and you feel so perfect against me that I want more."

I just smiled at her, glad she could admit that. "Sammy, as long as there is a part of you that wants to wait, then we should wait. A few days will make it taste all the better when we finally get to say yes to each other in every way possible."

"Do I get to at least grab your butt some more?"

I slid my hand down to her ass and under her panties, grabbing a handful of cheek. "I know I may be a superficial person for saying this, but silly callipygian jokes aside, I have always loved your ass. It is stunning, and it will be my pleasure to grab it as often as possible. So, if you would like to do the same, then be my guest."

"When we're married, I'm going to make your mom leave the house cuz you're going to be screaming so loud," she whispered while kissing my neck.

"Sammy, we're both going to be screaming, I have no doubt of it," I quickly agreed. "Do you have any idea how many times I've dreamed of you while playing with myself? I can't wait for you to do it to me yourself."

"Stop that! If you keep saying stuff like that I'm just going to dive in!"

"Should we just wear those bodysuits that you wore on your date then?" I inquired. "That was inspired by the way, Dave had no clue what to do with you."

She shuddered in my arms. "Well, that killed my mood, so your safe now! But the doctors had to cut those off to get the IVs into me and make sure I wasn't hurt, so we'll have to get new ones."

"I'm so sorry! Ugh, I hate Dave. He and those other two fuckers are dead meat when I get back to school. I'm sure my mom would be okay if I accidentally beat the crap out of them."

"Don't do anything that would get you suspended! I couldn't handle school without you!" Sam pleaded, and I knew I couldn't do that.

"Fine. But I'm going to threaten the hell out of them. Just make them wet their pants a little." I promised.

"That works. You do realize that the next time we're at school we're going to be wife and wife, right?" Sam pointed out.

I leaned over and kissed her deeply, rolling her onto her back and feeling her moan happily underneath me. "I do."

She smirked up at me. "You're a few days too early for saying that!"

"I'll have to keep saying it over and over then! I love you Sam."

"And I love you too Abby."

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