I Remember Them All

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The double doors parted, being forced open by Iron Man. Steve stared in surprise and Lila gasped as Tony walked towards the three and retracted the suit's helmet. Bucky took a couple steps backwards but kept his arm over Lila, who pouted at him and shoved his arm away.

'You seem a little defensive.'

Bucky kept his gun up and Lila just stood there, leaning against the wall in her suit, popping some bubble gum whilst Steve walked to meet Tony with his shield covering his body.

'It's been a long day.' Steve snapped.

Tony pointed towards Bucky causing Lila to tense up worriedly. 'At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you.'

'That's a first.' He muttered.

'Then why are you here, Stark?' She asked, walking towards him, popping her gum right in his face.

'Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself.'

'I'd love to see that.' She whispered.

'Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork.' Steve lowered his shield. 'It's good to see you, Tony.'

'You too, Cap.' He turned to Bucky 'Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop . . .' Steve signed Bucky to lower his weapon and he did, as the three of them cautiously walked along a corridor.

Lila let Steve and Tony walk in front of her so she could walk next to Bucky. She grabbed his hand once again, for they were conjoined at the hip and never able to part.

'I love you.' She whispered, squeezing his hand. He nodded, and reciprocated her action.

With his helmet and face plate reengaged Iron Man lead Lila, Steve and Bucky towards the enormous chamber with the capsules standing in it.

'Shit.' Tony began. 'I got heat signatures.'

'How many?' Steve questioned.

'Uh, one.'

As they entered the vast chamber, the lights came on. Hazy, yellow mist descended within the capsules. As well as Josef, each one contained an enhanced soldier from the 1991 experiment. Steve and the others looked around, bewildered.

On a speaker, Zemo's voice rang out. 'If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep.' All of the enhanced soldiers had been shot in the head. Bucky stared at Josef's corpse. 'Did you really think I wanted more of you?'

'What the hell?'

'I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here.' Zemo appeared in a control room. Steve hurled his shield but it flew back, and Zemo stood there unaffected. 'Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.'

Tony chuckled slyly. 'I'm betting I could beat that.'

'Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came.'

'You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?' Spoke Steve, looking at Zemo through a window.

'I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here, I just realized . . . there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw.'

Steve narrowed his eyes. 'You're Sokovian. Is that what this is about?'

'Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise'

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