Blame the Alcohol

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Lila Laurite was batshit out of her mind.

Who knew such a lightweight could be such an entertaining drunk? Addy and Nat did try to ease her off of the booze, but she wasn't having any of it.

'Lil! You're gonna have a crappy hangover in the morning... stop drinking! You literally have Champagne Problems!' Addy slurred, sitting on her college friend, Eli's, shoulder. Natasha was the only one that was pretty much sane at this point, primarily because she didn't want to deal with an angry Nick Fury back at the compound.

Plus, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Steve Rogers.

Lila broke Natasha's thought track. 'Natty... what Avenger do you think is the hottessstttt??' She giggled, proceeding to take another swig out of the bottle, but Addy took it swiftly away from her.

'Vision is quite flattering. That luscious red metal skin does enough to make one swoon, especially if your name is Wanda Maximoff.' Natasha joked, wiggling her eyebrows.

'What about Buckkkyy Barnesss? Man, his eyes are dreamy! I could get lost in them for hours! And let's not forget about the arm! People thing it's a turn-off but my my it does the opposite!'

After revealing her not-so-secret fantasy, her hand quickly made its way to her mouth with a gasp.


Everyone erupted into fits of laughter, but Natasha laid back onto the couch.

'I could always introduce you to him. There is a lot of people in that tower that is waiting to finally meet you.' Natasha said, expressionlessly. She was smart enough to know that whatever she said now Lila would forget in the morning, so why not play with her brain for a while?

'You could introduce me to THE Bucky Barnes? Nu-uh, that is, like, so embarrassing. What happens if I fall over or something? Plus, just the fact that I would be the odd one out. All these magical, strong Gods and Assassins compared to a measly human? Pffttt, please!' This rant lasted for a while. Addy was sat twiddling her thumbs in her lap, looking like she was about to say something. Natasha immediately shook her head, implying that whatever she was trying to get out, was not a good idea.

'Whatever you say kiddo, whatever you say. A drunk man's words are sober thoughts,' she shrugged, letting out a laugh. Lila shook her head like a child.

'Whatever I say tonight isn't true. Promise.' Lila concluded, covering Nat's mouth with her hand.


Lila woke up on the floor.

'Oh Fuck! Did I hit my head or something?' She said, rather loudly. She couldn't understand why she was on the floor and why she felt like she has had a ton of bricks thrown at her. She sat up and looked around; Addy was passed out on the couch and the two girls from Addy's old college were sleeping on top of each other on the countertop. The others seemed to have left, not bothering to pick up their shit after them. Lila couldn't blame them, because if they were anything like her, she wouldn't remember to pick up trash either.

'Good Morning, Laurite. Hungover?' A familiar red-head had asked.

'Hungover is an understatement, Romanoff.' Lila clapped back, unamused.

'You're cute when your angry.'

'Are you trying to flirt with me?'


Lila laughed. 'Hun, you're not my type. Sorry not sorry.'

Natasha smirked. 'It was worth a try.'

Lila walked over to the kitchen and helped herself to a cup of coffee. While she was waiting for the water to boil, she set herself upon the countertop.

'Let me guess, you haven't got a hangover because you weren't drunk since you're a lightweight?' Lila said whilst making direct eye contact with Natasha.

'Not drunk because I have a job, Laurite. And if I headed back to that tower, who knows who'll I show myself up to. Being drunk around Steve Rogers is not good for my reputation.' Natasha said casually, taking a sip from her cup.

'Got a thing for Rogers, eh?' Lila replied, jumping off of the counter and filling up her mug. Natasha rolled her eyes.

'Nothing compared to what you were saying about The Winter Soldier last night.' She smirked.

'The Winter Soldier?' Lila questioned. 'I haven't even met him! Let alone like him!'

'When did I ever say you liked him? And if so, maybe it's just one of those childhood sweethearts, y'know?'

'What the fuck Romanoff? Shut up! I haven't even said shit about that... guy, just lay off!'

'It's fine, I'll take you to the Avengers tower tomorrow, see what you say about that then,' She did her lopsided smile, lightly punching Lila.

Lila totally blanked Natasha and started to pick up stuff off of the floor and chucking them in the trash can. She picked up a Polaroid picture of herself and Natasha and turned swiftly around.

'When was this taken?' She asked.

'When you were knocked out drunk, darling. You demanded I take a picture of you just in case it was a fever dream.' Natasha teased, holding up the camera and taking a sip of her drink.

'Give that to me,' Lila sprinted over and grabbed her drink. 'I need Addy to back me up here.' She threw the drink over Addy.

Addy woke up with a scream. 'What- what the fuck?!'

'Babe, I need you to back me up here. Was I expressing my love for Bucky Barnes? The guy that I've never spoken to in my life?'

'What? I don't know... no?' Addy rolled over and fell back to sleep.

Lila was smug. 'Told you.'

Once again, Natasha rolled her eyes. 'Whatever. I'm still taking you to the Avengers tower today.'
authors note-
natasha 🤝 flirting with literally anyone
i wish I was lila rn tbh
any guesses what the next chapter may be?
when will lila know the truth of her past?
when will lila and bucky fu-
not for a while
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