I Love You

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smut ish like warning xo


You don't have to feel guilty. You don't have to feel like it's your fault. Because, it's not.

You mean the fucking world to me, and God, if I ever claimed to blame you, I'm sorry but someone has taken a swig of Polyjuice Potion. (Hopefully you understand what I mean by that, for you are a fucking fossil.)

Fuck me, I don't know how to express my feelings or anything, but every time I touch you, make eye contact with you, do anything with you, it's like a lightning bolt rushing through my skin, enlightening my life with joy and pleasure.

I don't want you to ever feel like a burden or a threat to me, because quite frankly, I can't live without you. Getting to know you these past few months has been an absolute dream, and I don't know about you but I'm ready.

I don't know what for, but I am.

And I have been ever since I laid my eyes on you.


Your Lila.

She signed the letter off with a lipstick-printed kiss, and slid the paper into the envelope. Bucky had isolated himself once more, and Lila couldn't help herself but sob when she heard the screams and the cries coming from his bedroom every night at three. It had been two weeks since Bruce had finally discharged her from her uncomfortable, shitty hospital bed, yet no words had been spoken to her from a very special man.

She hoped for a response when she posted the letter underneath his door on Tuesday morning, any form of interaction will make her somewhat happy.

'How's things with you and Addy?' Asked a certain witch, sitting on Lila's bed. Wanda had not been made aware of Lila and Addy's rough patch, so it was a bit of a shock when she found out.

'Yeah about that,' Lila began. 'She said shit, cheated on my brother with my ex, blah blah blah, we aren't on talking terms anymore, yeah.'

Wanda tilted her head. 'Woah, what a... a... bitch?'

Lila nodded. 'Tell me about it. Tristan is heartbroken that he's single. I told him to join the club.'

'Bet you're not going to be in that club for much longer, Miss Laurite.' She chuckled, sending her a look.

'Not at this fucking rate. The man hasn't said shit to me in fucking weeks, I'm touch starved!'

'Don't you mean horny?'

Lila gasped in response. 'Fuck off, no I'm not! I just want him to talk, you know?'

'I want to talk.'

Bucky stood in the doorway of Lila's bedroom, holding the letter that she 'sent' earlier in the day. Wanda stood up and nodded, leaving Bucky and Lila to talk alone.

'Sit.' Lila spoke, patting the space on her bed next to her. He did; keeping his eyes drawn to the letter as he did so.

'You're not scared of me?' He asked, inching himself away from her.

'Why on earth would I be scared of you?' She asked. She took his face in her hands, stroking his cheek with her thumb. 'I'm anything but scared of you, Barnes.'

He nodded and rested his forehead against hers, shutting his eyes and smiling.

'I'm sorry,' he whispered. 'I really am.'

Lila chuckled. 'You want to know why I'm not scared of you?'


'Because, Barnes,' she looked him in the eyes, smiling as she did so.

↳ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘴 - B.BARNES • 1 •Where stories live. Discover now