America's Sweethearts

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Bucky Barnes was trying not to punch Sam Wilson in the face.

'Barnes getting it on with the ladies!' Joked Sam, pushing Bucky's shoulder lightly. Bucky was not amused.

'I was getting second hand embarrassment from the girl, it's not my fault she's got the average height of an 8 year old. How old is she anyway?' He asked. Both Sam and Steve shook their heads unknowingly.

'Why, are you looking for a hookup, Barnes?'

'What's a hook-up?' Questioned Steve.

'Something that Natasha wants from you.' Shot back Bucky, drawing the attention away from him. Sam started screaming with laughter, causing Steve to look at him like he was a freak.

He was a freak.

'I don't find this humorous, Sam. I feel like I'm missing some information here.' Steve spoke, hitting Sam around the head with a newspaper. Bucky laughed.

'Bucky, we are no where near done with you, don't think you'll get let off that easily.' Said Sam, shaking his head. Bucky rolled his eyes at him, and allowed himself to drop back down into the chair.

Three female voices could be heard from down the corridor, giggling and gossiping, making the three mens heads turn. Wanda was carrying Lila on her back whilst Natasha was slowly walking behind, smirking.

'Oh look, it's the Americas sweethearts,' Lila laughed, making Sam throw a plastic bottle at her. 'Hey!'

Steve chuckled. 'Oh yes, the well known Star Sprangled Man and his America's Sweethearts?'

'I don't think that name gives me and Buck justice.' Sam said, chasing after Bucky trying to plait his hair. Bucky knocked him out with one punch.

'It's highly uncreative for one who majors in the English Language.' Bucky spoke harshly, looking at Lila with a distinctly wicked glint in his eyes. Lila narrowed her eyes and slowly, so only he could see it, flipped him off.

Bucky bit his lip.

Angrily, not kinkily.

Lila brushed off Bucky's moment quite quickly, and focused on a passed out Sam on the floor. She lightly kicked his arm, and he groaned.

'You're an asshat, Wilson.'

'You're quite sexy when you're mad.'

'Don't flirt with me. Natasha's already tried. Won't work.'

Natasha winked. 'How can't we? You're like the sexiest thing here since 2012!'

Just like he was on cue, Tony Stark pranced into the room. 'I think that you'll find that is false information Miss Romanoff, since that I exist. It is truly impossible to be sexier than I, for I was voted sexiest man of the year in 2014.'

'That's hard to believe.'

Tony swatted Lila over the head with a newspaper.


Bucky laughed, and everyone went silent. Nobody, except for Sam and Steve, had heard Bucky laugh before, so it was a bit of a shock to the system when the deep noise had came out of his mouth. It looked like it shocked him too, as he immediately shut up afterwards.

Lila frowned. 'So the first time we hear this man make a sound it's when I'm being fucking brutally attacked? Dude, that's very... odd.'

Bucky rolled his eyes and his face went back to a stern expression.

'If I stuck a magnet to Bucket Fuckets arm, would it stay?'

Everyone bursted out into fits of laughter, not including the likes of Bucky whom grabbed Lila by the wrist and pulled her out the room. He pushed her against the wall and pinned her with his arm against her neck, breathing heavily.

'You better stop trying to ruin my life Laurite, else I'm going to ruin yours. Got it? Now fuck off before I punch you one.' Bucky said aggressively, and Lila nodded.

'You can stop being kinky now, Barnes.' Lila shouted, hoping everyone in the other room could hear her. She ripped his arm off of her, and kicked him where no man would like to be kicked. He groaned and flipped her off, whilst she walked out of the hallway.

'Kiss my ass Barnes. I know you want to.'


'So where did you meet Natasha anyway?'

Lila and Addy were gossiping to each other from opposite sides of the country. Addy and her family had decided to go on vacation to see their extended family in California, and Tristan had been invited along with them.

'Oh, we went to... Summer Camp together when we were like 11. Our parents stayed in touch ever since.' Replied Addy.

'So you've known her for a while? How come I never got told you had another best friend?' Lila joked.

'We only became true friends when I spent a few years in Russia. We used to speak to each other in English whilst everyone around us was Russian, it was rather amusing when the teachers used to look at us like we were crazy.'

'You told me you went to Brazil, not Russia, or am I going crazy?'

'Oh.. Brazil.. yes, you're probably getting confused with when the time I went to Brazil on vacation when I was nine... maybe ten? This is when I disappeared for a few years, came back and you forgot I existed.'

Lila was unsure, but she laughed. 'Yeah... probably. She's doing fine here. She keeps flirting with me but we all know she's got a thing for Steve, she looks at his ass like it's a chocolate bar. To be honest, she probably wants to eat his ass like a chocolate bar; but who doesn't? It's Captain America we are on about here.'

Addy was in hysterics on the other end of the phone, tears streaming down her face.

'Lila, the way you word things is fucking incredible. I would much rather eat Thor's chocolate ass though. Have you met Thor? Is he even more handsome in real life, is his biceps big, is he tall, is his di-'

'Yes, yes, yes, don't finish that sentence, what the fuck. Thor's a sweetheart, I can't knock the guy. He seems really intimidating and scary through the media and shit but we made eggs and breakfast together. The eggs were shit, but that's besides the point.'

Addy laughed. 'Seems like you've got a budding relationship with the god of thunder.'

'Ew, god no, he's just like an annoying sibling to me. I don't think I'm going to have a relationship with a fucking Avenger, babe.'

That came out as more of a question, and Addy noticed.

'Are you questioning yourself, Li?'

Lila didn't answer.

She didn't know.
authors note:
this took a lot of effort to write bc I...
idfk tbh
this book is shit anyways but I write it bc i have nothing better to do with my life.
vote comment share whatever lolz

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