Mr Stark

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Lila Laurite hated Natasha Romanoff.

Well, not exactly. She hated the fact that she could get away with anything just by showing a snarky grin. Plus the fact that she can steer away the conversation topic from herself to Lila, and the questions Lila asked were then blocked. Natasha was able to do anything with Lila.

And Lila couldn't say no.

Primarily because she didn't really want to say no.

So when Natasha gave her the option to go to the Avengers tower with her, Lila didn't refuse. Although, she did reluctantly agree. She thought of all of the possible outcomes that could happen, which included falling down those big ass stairs, running into Nick Fury and killing him, getting it on with Ant-Man, and accidentally blowing up the place.

Natasha reassured her. For any of those things had never happened to her before. And the fact that when you see Ant-Man in person, you wouldn't really want to get it on with him.

Lila silently disagreed. An Avenger is an Avenger, if you have the chance to have a one night stand with any of them, I'm sure you would take the chance. But not if it's a robot.

Ouch. Poor Wanda.


'Addy, i'm stealing your best friend today. So don't get worried when you don't see her for at least an hour. She's fine.' Natasha shouted to Addy, since she was asleep.

'What? Oh- yeah that's fine... I'm stealing her brother anyways...' she replied, dozing off into her peaceful slumber.

It wasn't peaceful. If Lila saw Addy's dream now she would be scarred for life.

'Natasha! I said I'm not going with you! I don't want to go with you, whenever the Avengers are about someone ends up bleeding, broken or on fire, and to be honest I'm not in the mood for a trip to the ER today.' Lila yelled, fixing her hair in the bathroom.

'No choice. There are people who want to see you. Do you really think you're that special that I'll just take you there for the fun of it?'

'That came out a bit ruder than you thought, didn't it.'

Natasha smiled. 'It came out the way it should of came out.'

Natasha raided Addy's food and drink cupboard, chucking different snacks into a rucksack. Nerds, Fruit Wind-Ups, Hersheys... all the snacks to be able to entertain a child for at least a day.

That child was Lila.

'Laurite! Do you prefer white chocolate or dark!' Natasha shouted into the bathroom.

'Neither, Romanoff. I'm not going with you!' Lila shouted back.

'Milk chocolate it is.' Natasha muttered to herself with a grin. She picked up her phone and dialed the number for a cab.

'Hi, can I have a ride?' She asked.

'Sure thing, Romanoff. Your ride awaits. Outside of the apartment, obviously.' The guy on the phone joked.

'Thanks, Stark. Lifesaver.'


Lila was getting pulled down the stairs at rocket speed. Her hair was flowing behind her, like she was in a scene from Titanic or something.

Just without the death.

She hoped.

'Natasha, what the fuck! I can walk!' She gasped.

'Why walk if you can run!' She yelled back to her.

'I'm not fucking Quicksilver!' Lila shouted.

'I know you're not! He died!'

They both stopped.

'Right...' Lila stuttered.

'Let's just pretend I didn't say anything.' Natasha suggested. Lila nodded.

They reached the bottom of the stairwell and pushed open the door, the blast of cool autumnal air hitting them. Natasha zipped up her black leather jacket and Lila buttoned up her beige cotton coat. Natasha gestured for Lila to follow her to a bench on the right hand side of the doorway. They sat down and waited.

'What ride have we-' Now Lila didn't have to finish that sentence, because one car stood out from all. A Mercedes-Maybach Exelero zoomed it's way passing each and every car.

'...You didn't,' Lila gasped.

'Oh I did.' Natasha said smugly. The window of the car rolled down.

'A ride for two?' Tony Stark said, whilst lowering his sunglasses. Lila was in awe. She was just another boring human doing boring human things, now Tony Motherfucking Stark is picking her up in a car that's more expensive than all the money in the world?

'Thanks, Stark. Took a while dragging this fucker out of the apartment.' Natasha spoke.

'I can see. Lila Laurite, pleasure to meet you. You already know who I am, a Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Tony Stark, and I'm back in black baby.'

'Oh- right- yes, hello. Right, erm, thank you for the ride. You didn't need to. I didn't even want to come. Natasha forced me. She's good at mind manipulation.'

Natasha laughed.

Tony nodded. 'Whatever Natasha wants, Natasha gets... unless it's Rogers.'

Natasha hit Tony around the face with her bag, shaking her head. Lila started uncontrollably laughing, and Natasha gave her a death stare.

'I could always make Tony drive you back to Addy.' Natasha said bluntly.

'I didn't want to come anyway. Go ahead.'

'Your brother and Addy are hanging out today, Laurite. You might see things you don't want to see.'

'Then drive on, Starky.' She whispered. Tony looked at her through the mirror.

'Starky? Never heard of that one before. Sounds like something Pepper would call me in bed.' He said, looking back towards the road.

Natasha cringed. 'Stark, nobody gives a shit about your sex life.'

Lila stared out of the window. Her mind was to pre-occupied, since they were pulling in to a big ass Carpark, underneath the iconic Avengers Tower.

'Welcome to hell, Laurite. Good luck. You're going to need it.' Tony said with a smirk.
authors note:-
tony stark, what a dilf <3
bucky next chapter?????? maybe 😳
i wrote most of this at like 3am since I couldn't sleep
i got covid vaccinated today
how sexy
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