"You're just like her Jackie. She's doing this because she thinks it'll make you happy. You're marrying Jesse because you think it'll make mom and dad happy."

"He makes them happy. They see perfection written all over his face. But he's not perfect. He's such a sloppy sleeper. He talks with his mouth full. He drinks. He smokes. He-"

"He's Brian." Randy finished my sentence, "You pretty much described Brian."

"No I didn't." I fought back, "I'm talking about Jesse! I even said this conversation was about Jesse. I don't know how you got Brian involved into this. I didn't even mention him in any way." But in a strange way, it was about Brian.

"But it's true Jackie. Look, the only thing making you doubt this love you have for him, is Brian. Because if Brian never came back into the picture, you wouldn't be acting like this. I saw the way you looked at Jesse. It's the same way you looked at Brian when you first met him. But now that Brian is back, the look you gave Jesse, is the look you give Brian. Why did you even say yes to him if you love Brian?"

"Because I'm confused! I love Brian with all my heart. We slept together and I almost got pre- I mean, fuck." I said, realizing what words just slipped out of my mouth.

My brother's eyes widened, "You slept with Brian and got pregnant?! Jackie, why didn't you tell me?!"

I bit my bottom lip and squeezed my eyes shut, "Because no one was supposed to know. First Zacky and Gena walked in on us. Then Michelle found out. Then at Brian's birthday party last month, he got fucking hammered and told the whole group of guys that we slept together. It wasn't just once, it was for a good while. I feel so ashamed!" I dropped my head into my hands.

I felt Randy wrap his arm over my shoulders then pulled me in for a hug, "You should have told me. I could have stopped this wedding before it got to be this big."

"I don't want to marry him." I cried into his chest. My brother is about 6'4. He's a really tall guy and I barely reach 5'4.

"You can't do much about it now Jackie. Running out would be cowardly. But I promise you this," He pushed me away and wiped the tears from my face, "Whatever happens, you got your big brother right there. I'll be your support system. I love you Hope."

I smiled then broke down into more tears, "I love you too Randy."

"What the fuck man?! Are we hugging with out me?!" Zacky asked, appearing in the entrance of the dug out, "Well! I'm waiting for an answer."

I pushed myself away from Randy, "I'm going to get dad so we can start-"

"Are you okay?" Brian's voice was audible, but I couldn't see him. He peeked out behind Zacky, "You've been crying."

"She's just tired of all this wedding drama." Randy answered, "She'll stop crying when things cool down. But for right now, Zacky and I need to get to the alter. So Brian, you can have a seat here."

Brian's POV

I sat in the dugout, alone for a good while. Jackie's mom was yelling at everyone because they weren't getting it right. I thank God I'm not in the line of fire.

"A simple fucking task. You walk up to the alter, then put her hand in his hand, Mark! It's not calculus! It's just a simple fucking task!" She shouted to her husband, "Back to the dug out."

"I can't place her hand in his. I'm placing it into thin air." He spat, "Get someone to act as Jesse and maybe I'll do it correctly..."

I began to tune them out as I texted Matt who was back at the hotel. We were planning on going out tonight for some drinks. Well for them some, for me a lot. I need to get hammered so that the days pass by fast. I hope I'm still drunk at her wedding so I can act as if I can careless.

Jackie came running down to me, "Can you come here for a bit?" She took my hand, sending waves of excitement and electricity through out my body. "We need you to stand in Jesse's place."

I stopped halfway down the aisle. She always has to kill my happy moments with his name, "Jackie, I can't."

"Why not?" Her faced softened, "It's just for the moment. You can leave after."

"It's not that..."

"Then?" Her eyes were filled with concern and lust. That's one thing we had in common, lust. I yearned for her. I want her. I need her.

I let out a deep breath before admitting, "Because I love you and I'm not going to be up there if I'm not the one marrying you."

Her jaw slowly dropped, "Please. Just do this for me. I know it's selfish to ask but... Please?" She said above a whisper. "We can talk later about this."

"There's nothing to talk about Jackie. You chose him. You're marrying him."

It's as if my words went through one ear and slipped out the other, "Brian, I'm not asking for the world here."

"Right," I said walking backwards, "You're just asking me to stand in the place of your fiancee. Something I'll never be."

"...Please?" She wouldn't give up, "Just, do this for me. If you love me. Do this, please."

I looked over at Zacky who was talking to me through his eyes. I shook my head, defeated, "Fine. What do I do?"

Just then, a beautiful smile grew on her face, "You just stand at the alter infront of Roy, that's Jesse's best man."

I nodded, then walked over to the alter, standing infront of a very skinny dude. Jackie's mom gave me the death glare from the front row. I could tell she was not so happy about this.

She stood up, walking to the center of the alter... She counted them off as they walked to me.

A feeling of ecstasy was burning through my body. It felt as if it was my wedding; as if I was marrying Jackie. She smiled at me, sending those emo-butterflies into fluttering action. I envisioned her wearing a white dress that hugged her beautiful curves.

For the first time in a while, her dad gave me a smile. They finally reached me as her dad placed her hand in mine. The touch of her skin coming into contact with my skin made me feel on top of the world.

"Take good care of her." He whispered, "She's the only thing I got."

I linked our fingers together, slowly. 

"Great! That was perfect!" Her mom said breaking our grip on eachother's hands apart by walking between us,. "Now, tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner at Banquet Hall 6 in the Hilton. It's at 5, so I expect everyone there before. Bring an appetite. See you all tomorrow!" She said, with the fakest smile ever.

I snapped out of the daze I was in. My eyes had been looking deeply into Jackie's since our hands were touching. It felt so real between us. "I have to go."

"Oh, wait Brian." Carla said, "May I have a word with you?"

Jackie shook her head no, but it was too late. The octopus held me captive in her tentacles.

She pulled me to the side. At first, she had a smile but it vanished into thin air when she turned her attention to me, "Now you listen to me." She said in a low tone, "Leave my daughter alone. Don't even bother coming to the wedding. I see how you look at her, your eyes are always full of lust. Don't you dare step foot into this stadium. I want you to get on a plane on and leave New York. Do you understand me?"

I know I shouldn't be scared, but now I know why Jackie is so afraid of standing up to her mom. Carla has balls.

"I was invited by the happy couple," I said walking away, "See you later, Carla."

I started to feel like I'd just cause drama at the wedding. If she doesn't want me to go, then I must respect her wishes. There's nothing I can do about it... Nothing at all.

The One That Got Away (Synyster Gates Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now