An Arranged Marriage to a Vampire (18)

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, it’s really good. How about yours?” he said looking down at me.

“Amazing. Wanna lick?” I asked him hiding my mischievousness.

“Sure” he replied. Hehehehe perfect!

I lifted it up to his lips and just as he was about to try it, I jerked my hand up slamming it into his face. I quickly jumped up ice cream cone still in my hand. I ran over to Tanya handing her my cone before running away from Sontos as he ran after me. I was laughing so hard at his face; when I did, it was soo funny! “I’m gonna get you!” he said speeding up. Shit he was fast.

I thought of my ice cream cone melting in Tanya’s hand. Next thing I knew I was standing next to Tanya. Omg! I can transport myself! I quickly grabbed my cone licking it quickly before handing it back to her and taking off again Sontos hot on my heels.

I ran around the side of the building. I was about to go around the corner, when I felt Sontos’s strong arms wrap around my middle, halting me. He trapped me against the wall of the building, placing his hands on either side of my head. He still had ice cream on his face. Sontos started to lean towards me.

I started squealing “Nooo, Sontos don’t!!” trying to wiggle out but he didn’t listen and crashed his lips to mine. His lips harsh on my own, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I felt his tongue slip in as I opened my mouth for him.

“Eeeeewww. Get a room you two!” I heard Alec said interrupting. As we pulled apart, I turned my head over towards Alec glaring at him. “Says the one that was just playing tonsil hockey instead of eating their ice cream.” I said. I felt a smirk grow on my face.

“Neh neh neeeeeh” he replied. Once we were back at the table, I grabbed a napkin and cleaned off Sontos face before cleaning mine. I grabbed my cone from Tanya again.

Once we were done we walked back to Seth’s place. We said good bye to everyone before hopping in the car. Aubrey and Sam were giving Tanya a ride home, because her house was on their way home. But I think Tanya just wanted to hang out with Sam for a few more minutes, because her house was only a two minute walk from my own.

When we arrived at my house, Sontos hopped out of the car and ran around the front of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and started walking towards the front door slowly. I noticed my parents were home. When I reached the front door, Sontos spun my around to face him. He brushed his lips against mine before pulling back. “Good night,” he murmured and turned around walking back to his car. “Good night,” I said before slipping inside.

It was late so I tiptoed up the stairs knowing my parents were most likely asleep. When I got into my room, I slipped off my shoes and walked into bathroom. I took a long shower thinking about all that had happened today. So much has happened. I finally turned off the shower, when the water started to get cold. I dried off pulling on a pair of black booty shorts and a blue tank top.

I gently pulled a brush threw my hair before dragging myself back into my room. I opened my window all the way. I felt a gentle breeze as I shuffled over to my bed climbing in and dragging the covers up, as I turned onto my side I put my arm under my pillow. I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

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