"And...you are?" Kara asked.

The man gave a lewd chuckle. "Nice one. Pretending you've never heard of Lex Luthor – the greatest criminal genius of our time."

Kara shrugged. "Who's pretending? I've honestly never heard of you, dude."

"Me neither," Jessica said before she pointed at Luthor's hair and asked, "Isn't that a lady's wig?" Her inquiry made Kara snicker a bit.

            "Me neither," Jessica said before she pointed at Luthor's hair and asked, "Isn't that a lady's wig?" Her inquiry made Kara snicker a bit

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Luthor hid his embarrassment with an amused grin. "Kids say the darndest things, don't they?" Moving past his embarrassment, Luthor closely examined Kara's TARDIS. "Fascinating machine you've arrived in. It reappears within any spatial dimensions that it chooses. And bigger on the inside, I'd imagine."

"Usually people wait until they're in it to say that, but...yes, it is," Kara said.

Luthor puffed on his cigar as he continued gazing on the Type-Z. "I've always dreamt of inventing something like this. Alas, I'm limited by the technology of my time...and my reality. Thankfully, those limitations have come to a gratifying conclusion."

Kara frowned. "What're you talking abo—?"

"MISS TESCHMACHER!!!" Luthor suddenly howled, startling Kara and Jessica.

            "MISS TESCHMACHER!!!" Luthor suddenly howled, startling Kara and Jessica

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At his beckoning, a lovely blond woman rushed into the room. "You bellowed, Lex?" Miss Teschmacher said with a hint of wit.

"Be a dear and check-in with my ol' lab partner and see if he's ready with our science experiment," Luthor ordered.

Miss Teschmacher brought the walkie-talkie she had in hand to her rose-red lips and called, "Otis? What's the word on your end?"

"We're all set and ready to go, Miss Teschmacher," the goofy voice of Otis answered over the walkie-talkie.

On this confirmation, Lex led Kara and Jessica out of his underground lair and into one of the subway channels where a sleek, single-car train was stationed. Shaped like a giant silver bullet, entry was only accessible through a touch pad that screened Luthor's palm print. "Welcome, Lex Luthor," the train's AI computer said as he entered and seated with his guests. "State your destination."

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