Following week and start of servants falling for Izuku

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It is now the week after that fight between them and Berserker. Since then, Artoria has taken up physical training for Shirou while Izuku and Rin has taken up properly training him in Magecraft and how to properly use the circuits since Izuku has a feeling he's doing it all wrong and that's why he can barely handle 10 per circuit.

As they went into the next week being cautious about if there are any heroic spirits watching, they appeared in the classroom with Izuku's uncle saying "Today, we will be learning about the holy grail war and the servants in depth. This is more for the ones who don't know about it." Almost all the class murmurs in agreement, the only exceptions being Sakura, Shit- I mean Shinji, Izuku himself, Rin and Shirou.

(A/N- I do mean Shitji)

"Alright, so the basics is that there are heroic spirits summoned from the throne of heroes." Uncle Kairi starts. "These Heroic spirits can be summoned in 7 main classes being Lancer, Saber, Berserker, Archer, Caster, Assassin and Rider. There are other classes that could potentially be summoned but these are the main ones you need to focus on." 'Mordred, if I ask you to appear, keep your helmet on, I don't want Shinji and Sakura to know. I feel like Sakura is the true master of one of the other classes while Shitji is forcing her servant to obey him.' Izuku communicates to Mordred via his mind while the lesson continues.

'Why?' Mordred asks in his head. Responding, Izuku says 'I think Shinji is doing disgusting stuff to her and if what I'm thinking is true, then you have my full permission to play whack a person.' He then feels Mordred grin through the link, eager to whack the ever-living bull out of the potential abuser.

Just then, Izuku heard that he was being called by his uncle Kairi "Midoriya, Mind telling me who would classify as a Saber?" "There are many people from the past that could classify as a Saber but I'll go with 1 overall example of a group that could be classified: the Knights of the Roundtable." Izuku responds to the question from their sensei.

"That's good to know, now do you want to tell us who could be put under the lancer class?"

"A lancer could be King Arthur when he used Rhongomyniad to take down the final member of the rebellion as well as take down Vortigern while in his dragon form."

The questions went back and forth between Kairi-sensei and the class members, primarily Izuku, Rin and Shinji. The final one however in an attempt to one up Izuku for the silly reason of thinking he was being looked down on by Izuku. (Reminds me of Bakugo when he thought Izuku was hiding his quirk in the anime)


It's now lunch for them, so Izuku went to collect his friends from 1-A. However, as he got closer, he saw a massive crowd around the entrance. When he gets within earshot, he hears a voice from the general course (not Shinso) say "I declare war on your class and one of you will move down and out of the course." "Hey you can't do that, we didn't ask to be attacked!" Kirishima was heard saying.

The crowd then dissipated, letting 1-A out. As 1-A was let out, the people in it that are in Izuku's friend group see him and head to him. "Izubro/Mido/Midoriya/Izu/Izuku!" Izuku's friend group says excitedly. "Guys!!" He responds with the same energy. they proceed to do a group hug. Izuku tells them "How about we head to lunch and you can fill me in on what happened about why your class was declared war on." they agree with that and they all head to the cafeteria.

As they started walking there, Kirishima started explaining about why the massive crowd was there. "Apparently because of the attack at the USJ, everyone outside of 1-A believed we had our egos boosted due to the attack and we apparently wanted the attack to happen. But they don't know that you and Shirou were there as well, if they did, they would probably bug you both."

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