Proper meeting with 1-A/Encounter with the arrogant

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It is now the week following the Sports Festival and the aftermath of the boom boom pomeranian going to prison for attempting to kill someone on live TV. they were given the rest of the week off to calm down about the Bakugo Incident while the heroes at UA do a press conference dealing with the mishap, which managed to calm the public down, however it shakes the public opinion on heroes.

Though since then, a few days passed and everyone started calming down and UA has started up again, though this time, Izuku and Shirou are having a trial week within 1-A to see if they should balance the 2 courses.

As they were walking to 1-A, Shirou asks Izuku out of the blue "Does Rin have anyone she likes?" Now, if Izuku didn't know what he knows, he would think nothing of what he was asked. But he knows of Rin's feelings towards Shirou, so when he was asked this question, he knows that Shirou must have feelings towards her.

"Oh, does little Shirou have a crush on the tsundere? *Chuckles* Don't worry, I know who she likes, however it's much more fun having her dance around her crush." Izuku responds, getting a laugh at Shirou being annoyed at Izuku's teasing, however Shirou was unaware that Izuku made a massive hint towards who her crush was.

As they approached the door, they hear the end of what Aizawa was telling the class. As they got to the door, Iida asks the question "Who are the 2 people replacing Mineta and Bakugo?" "They should be at the door right now, so you 2 come in." Aizawa replies to Iida, wanting to go to sleep as a caterpillar and wake up a butterfly.

Izuku and Shirou enter the classroom, where everyone remembers them from the USJ incident, but Izuku's friend group remember him due to meeting each other multiple times. once they reach the front, Izuku is the first one to introduce himself. "Hello, I know most of you have seen me at the USJ, with a few being my friends before hand. For the ones who don't know me, I am Izuku Midoriya. The guy next to me is my cousin."

Shirou then introduces himself. "Good morning to you all, I am Shirou Emiya. As he told you, I am his cousin. Same thing as him, we met each other at the USJ yet we didn't properly introduce each other." Once they had finish introducing themselves, the questions start coming in.

"Emiya, what is your quirk?" Shirou hears Momo ask him. So he answers her "My quirk is called Reinforcement and Projection, though the Projection came after the USJ. what it does is allow me to create weapons from my memory. The reinforcement part allows me to expend some energy to just reinforce anything I'm touching."

At the same time, Tsuyu tells Izuku "Midoriya, I'm usually blunt, but what was that clock you summoned back in the Sports Festival? Is it your quirk?" "It is indeed my quirk. it is called Zafkiel, which when I summon, has 12 different abilities each represented by the 12 numbers on a traditional clock. 1 through 10 just require me to expend energy, with them requiring more energy the higher they get. bullets 11 and 12 though, require my time AND my energy."

Upon hearing that last sentence, made the people that were listening react ""WHAT/YOU CAN DIE?!?" Izuku quickly calms them down and says "I only use those last 2 bullets in the most extreme of cases, and for any villains that are in our eyes or the eyes of the law are irredeemable, I can steal their time." that definitely calms them all down though what they don't know is that Izuku is thinking 'I don't trust Shinji, he is acting way too weird and I see him being aggressive towards Sakura. If he's done something horrible, I will steal his time.'

~~~Timeskip to the end of the day brought to you by chibi Izuku being chased by his chibi harem~~~

It is now the end of the day and sufficed to say those 2 are slowly starting to feel like they belong there, however they will soon find themselves stuck among the Hosu Incident but they have to think up of hero names later in the week.

Master to Legends, but Hope for the FutureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora