How Quickly Time Passes...

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Chapter Nine... How Quickly Time Passes...

Week twenty-seven arrived quickly.

Ryan and I had been spending a lot of time together, mainly just talking about our lives before we met in the park. He'd quite often come to my house, bringing Anastasia with him. I would have Nathaniel with me, and the two kids would play whilst we chatted.

But today, Ryan had offered to help me do some baby shopping. I had a few pieces of clothing, and a bassinet... but that was about it. It was pretty difficult to get anything heavy when you were six and a half months' pregnant and couldn't carry anything.

We walked into this one shop that was just everything baby. I walked straight over to the cribs, knowing I needed one of them. Ryan, however, walked to the changing tables nearby.

"I need a crib..." I said quietly, thinking Ryan was right behind me. I turned to see him over at the changing tables.

"You need a changing table first," he said simply, smiling. "Because the baby will sleep in the bassinet when it's a newborn... but you need to change it."

"I need both," I smiled. "And a pram."

"And... a lot..." he chuckled.

"Babies are expensive," I sighed. "But I can't wait until my baby's here."

"Your life will never be the same," he grinned. "It's truly the most rewarding thing that could happen to you."

I smiled, and then instinctively Ryan hugged me. It wasn't exactly something we'd done before. But it made me happy... it felt right...

But even so, I still felt like I would be cheating on Lucas.

We ended up leaving the baby store with a crib, pram, changing table, bedding sets, clothes, shoes, diapers, a bookshelf and a couple of books to read to the baby. Ryan suggested that I should read some books on how to raise a baby and what to do, but I frowned at him and stated that I believed them books to be misleading and that parents should be able to raise a child without the use of a book that might not be suitable for their baby's needs.

Ryan sighed, and then admitted that he didn't agree with all of the content in the books.

I changed the subject, and we went back to my house.

Ryan set up the bookshelf for me whilst I sorted through all the clothes I bought. I didn't buy any toys, as my parents, Chris, Chelsea and my friends all insisted that they wanted to buy toys for my baby shower that Ryan had helped to organise.

Once the bookself was up, I piled all the books on there, not particularly neatly, and Ryan set up the changing table... or tried to. After a while, I started helping, but we gave up. Who knew a changing table could have so many parts!

I made some dinner for us, and Ryan announced that he had to go pick up Anastasia. He left, kissing me on the cheek in a friendly matter. Instinctively, I moved my lips to his, and then pulled back in surprise at myself.

Ryan looked stunned, too.

"I'm sorry," I gasped, feeling my face blushing.

"No... it's... I didn't expect that," he admitted.

"Neither did I," I said, not sure what to say.

"It's okay, Carrie," he smiled. "I just... I didn't think you were ready for a first kiss just yet, given that we're not actually dating."

"I... maybe I am," I said, surprising myself at my words.

"Well, I have to go," he whispered, gently stroking my cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay," I whispered, smiling.

I watched Ryan leave as my heart beat faster than normal... And the baby kicked like crazy.

I wasn't sure what to think of my own behaviour. But I knew for sure that I liked Ryan a lot.

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