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I messed up, I screwed up. I not only hurt someone I love but I've completely destroyed her. Standing here in Studio A looking over to see her stretching on her own. It's evident that what I did has hurt her in ways I never wanted to happen
It's been 1 week since the ordeal and neither of us have spoken a word to each other. I've noticed she is distancing herself again. She doesn't hang out with the gang and I. It got to the point I stopped too just in case it was me that was stopping her
But it's clear I'm sending her on the path of destruction just like Alfie did
I'm clearly no better than he was

"How are we all doing today?" Miss Kate asked looking over at Riley who was avoiding eye contact with everyone, including Miss Kate
"James, Riley, how is the duet?" She asked now looking at me hoping I'll answer
"It's great. It's all clean and ready to go" I smiled. I wasn't lying, the duet is practically perfection
"great" Miss Kate said 

We had ran through a few of our numbers, it was only now I realised how much Riley and I were paired together. No matter how much I try she won't talk to me 
Her dancing has taken a hit and I can only blame myself, she's so distracted that and her heart is obviously not in it
"Alright that is all for today, I need Studio A. Riley honey, can I speak to you?" Miss Kate asked and Riley nodded making her way to the office
Shortly after that happened we were all getting ready to head out when the blonde version of Riley walked in
"oh that isn't good" Eldon muttered earning my full attention
"Spill" I said, he put his dance bag down taking a seat next to me while West did the same the opposite side
"you won't like watching this buddy. Trust me" West said patting my back
"Watch what?" I asked but before they could speak again Riley and the blonde were in Studio A

"Emily I don't need your sisterly crap right now" Riley said throwing her hair back up in her usual bun when she dances
"Well suck it up Riley. We are here until you get your head back in the game" the blonde who I'm going to assume now is Riley's sister Emily?
"Why? I'm not a robot like you" Riley said narrowing her eyes at her sister. I hadn't seen this side of her
"Anyone ever tell you that you look cute when your mad?" Emily asked making Riley roll her eyes
"Well they would be lying now spin" Emily demanded

"I don't get it?" I asked and the boys sighed looking at me
"Trust me man, this is just the beginning" West muttered, what on earth was about to happen
"What on earth was that Riley?" Emily said making my face drop looking back over
"You call that a spin? Again!" Emily demanded making Riley groan
"Better but not even close to acceptable" Emily said making Riley glare at her
"The hell?" I asked and the boys nodded

A little time had passed and the girls had moved on from spinning to some of the actual routines
"Come on Riley, keep the beat!" Emily yelled, it was obvious that Riley was getting overwhelmed 
"You think that is going to make you win Nationals?! Are you going to cost us our title?" Emily continued making my hands push into a fist. 
How on earth do the boys sit here and watch this
"What was that?! You call that a jump? Again Riley!" Emily said 
"Can I atleast get a drink?" Riley asked but Emily was quick to shake her head and play the music again
She was on the verge of breaking
"Harder Riley!" Emily continued to yell
"This is an embarrassment!" Emily yelled finally sending me to a tipping point
I quickly rose to my feet causing both Eldon and West to join me holding me back so I didn't do anything
Both girls had now turned to look at us, as soon as Riley made eye contact with me she soon broke it
"Can we help you boys?" Emily asked and both Eldon and West shook their heads before grabbing all of our dance bags pulling me out of Studio A
Have I really done this much damage? So much so Emily has had to come and work her to the point she's whole again?

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