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We all walked into the restaurant, I've never been to this particular one but it looks fancy, fancier then the ones I used to go to with Alfie
"Table for 6 please" Eldon smiled at the front of house, she quickly nodded before taking us a back to a table, it was over looking a floor that had a few people dancing, trust Eldon to find somewhere that would involve dancing
"Here you go" The waiter said handing up all menus before giving us some time for us all to think about what we wanted 

"so, James and Riley. How did this happen?" Alfie asked after the waiter had left with our orders written down, Eldon and Thalia had excused themselves to go and dance prior
I glanced over at James who nodded and me. I guess he hadn't given anyone any elaborate stories yet
"We met when Dad and I went to the cabin over summer break. You know when you two were off being unfaithful" I said making James snigger
"He went to the cabin?" Alfie said with a hitch in his breath, I nodded happily
The cabin had been a sacred place for Dad and I, it's covered in the memories of mum and I had never let Alfie go. I didn't want it to be tainted by anything.. It's as if my subconsciousness knew he was going to screw me over 
"Wouldn't that have meant you were being unfaithful too?" Beth said snarkily 
"Not at all. Riley and I stayed friends up until the point you let your little secret slip" James said taking a sip of his water
"What happened after that is none of your business" I smiled as James took a hold of my hand with a soft smile
"Wanna dance?" he asked, I looked at the dance floor before nodding leaving Alfie and Beth to fend for themselves 

I followed James onto the dancefloor watching as Alfie and Beth shortly followed, I glanced over to see Eldon and Thalia all loved up. It was sweet seeing Eldon like this, it's been a long time coming
"Mind if I cut in?" Eldon chuckled coming over to us, James smiled and nodded
"you know, he really wasn't who I thought you'd go for after Alfie" Eldon said as we continued to dance
"Who did you think it would be?" I laughed as he twirled me
"I don't know, I didn't think you would be dating anyone so soon" He said and I nodded
"You're not wrong, I didn't think I would have either but one thing lead to another I guess. It's different then with Alfie" I said looking over to see James now dancing with Beth
"Mind if I cut in?" Alfie asked coming over to Eldon and I, Eldon looked at me with hesitation but I nodded. This would have happened eventually whether I wanted it to or not

"What do you want" i asked as we danced
"Why are you doing this?" Alfie asked making me look at him
"What?" I asked
"I know you and James aren't really together" Alfie said and I looked at him confused
"What?" I repeated
"This is just some elaborate ruse to make Beth and I jealous" He confidently said, I scoffed looking at him
"You know.. Not everything is about you right?" I replied stopping dancing so he could look at me face on
"Come on Riley. You expect me to believe you could just move on just like that, you two are on the opposite sides of a person" He said and I laughed
"They do say opposites attract" I replied crossing my arms
"You two are just friends if that" He spat and I rolled my eyes
"Keep telling yourself that" I replied as Alfie grabbed my arm stopping me from walking away
"Prove me wrong" He muttered, a smirk arose on my face before turning back to Alfie shaking my arm out of his grip 

I smiled walking over to James who stopped dancing with Beth to turn to face me
"You okay?" He asked and I nodded 
"Go with it" I whispered before he looked at me confused
I didn't say another word, instead I wrapped one arm around his neck before crashing our lips together 
It took a second or two for James to realise what was going on but the second he had, his arm snaked around my waist pulling me in closer as he pushed back against the kiss 
"Woah" He breathed out as we pulled a part, I turned to see Eldon and Thalia smiling, Alfie looked angry and Beth looking disappointed
I guess we are both in deep with this now..

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