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11:33am, the boys have been at the qualifier with Phoebe for over an hour now and we are yet to hear anything. That isn't uncommon, you aren't allowed phones on during the competition except the adult with them. So until then it's just a waiting game to hear from Phoebe or to see them walk through that door
"Okay if you guys could just work on your parts of the main routine. Riley can I borrow you a second?" Miss Kate asked, I nodded before glancing at Thalia and Michelle who looked just as confused as I did
"Everything okay Miss Kate?" I asked and she happily nodded shutting the door behind me as I took a seat
It wasn't usual for Miss Kate to close her doors so clearly something is going on

"So you and James?" She smirked and I instantly laughed
"Is this what this is about?" I laughed
"I want you two to be our National duet" She said making me go wide eyed, I hadn't really danced with James on my own, yes we have been paired in group routines but never one on one
"Are you sure? James and I haven't danced together before" I said and Miss Kate shook her head taking out a file from her filing cabinet
"You and James have danced together before" She smiled sitting down
I looked at her still as confused as when she started this but all she did was chuckle opening the folder to reveal some photos
"What is this?" I said before looking at the photos properly to see a little James in tights 

"That's James and Riley, that's you" She said pointing to the tiny brunette next to him
"What?" I asked
"you and James attended a couple Baby Ballet classes together, it was James taster sessions and then the day before he was due to start. You moved up a level" Miss Kate smiled making me smile more
"The second you two laid eyes on each other, you were smitten. James wouldn't leave you around.. He would chase you around the studio and you'd be running away like he had germs" she laughed making me laugh as I looked through the photos morr
"When I first saw you two dance together, I noticed your chemistry and couldn't wait to see what else it had in store" She continued, I was still in shock a little
"I thought James would for sure be joining the teams and you would eventually join but it was the other way around. Now seeing you both 10 years later dancing, I know for a fact you are the perfect pair for our duet" She said
I looked up at her in disbelief but watched as her smile continued to grow
Before I had the chance to say anything, I heard the commotion outside the office before noticing, James, Phoebe and Alfie had just walked in with the largest smiles on their face

"Will you do it?" Miss Kate asked, I looked at James again biting my lip before looking back at the photos
"We'll do it" I smiled before walking over to hug Miss Kate as we headed outside to confirm the fact the boys had won. I didn't have a shadow of a doubt they did considering the looks on their face
"There she issss" James smiled coming over and scooping me up again
"what is going on" I laughed as he finally put me down
"We are officially going to Nationals!" He sung spinning us both around
"That's great! Congratulations! I have news too" I smiled, part of me wanted to tell him about baby ballet but I think that should be a story for another day
"Do tell" He said as we stopped, his arms still prominently on my waist 
"We are the national duet" I smiled, he looked at me in pure shock
"We are?" He asked and I nodded before he scooped me up once more making me laugh
"Put me downnnn" I whined allowing him to place my feet on the ground before he crashed our lips together

"Alright love birds, are you going to join us for the celebration?" Michelle asked making me blush a little as we both joined the rest of the Troupe
"Here is to Nationals!" Miss Kate said
"Nationals!" The entire of A-Troupe said with smiles covering all of our faces

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