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James and I had been practicing for a good couple hours and were due to be back with A-Troupe for the rest of the evening but I couldn't help but shake that something was up, he was barely making eye contact with me. I can barely get a sentence out of him too
"Can you tell me what is going on?" I asked as he sat on the bench drinking his water
" What?" He breathed out
"Can you tell me what's got you so riled up" I asked again making him shake his head
"Nothing Ri, I'm okay" he said and I rolled my eyes at him
"Clearly James" I replied drinking from my water
"Beth showed up at my house last night" He said earning my attention once again
"Okay?" I asked
"telling me she missed me" He muttered
I looked at him a little confused
"Isn't this what you wanted?" I asked and he shook his head before in turn shrugging
"I thought it was, now.. now I don't know" He started 
"Wasn't the whole point of this, to get Beth back?" I asked

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Beth and James should get back together, I think James needs to find his person
The one he can be his true self with
That girl is going to be one lucky girl

"It was, but I don't know. Things changed" he answered
"Well if it's not Beth then who else? I don't think I'll plan is going to attract anyone else, unless Alfie is suddenly your type" I offered earning a glare with a chuckle. His exterior was beginning to soften again 
"alright Miss jokes" He chuckled throwing his hand over my shoulder as we walked towards Studio A
"Seriously though James, who is the new pick of the week?" I asked and he shrugged
"Who says there is one?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows at me making me roll my eyes with a smile as we walked into Studio A to see all the gang there
"If it isn't our National duet!" Michelle teased, not many people on the team knew about this because I know for a fact that Alfie would have something to say
"I thought Riley and I would be the duet, like we usually are?" Alfie muttered earning most people's attention
"You could have been, if you had made the team" Thalia said
"And you know, not cheated" Michelle earning a nudge from me
"How do we even know they have the chemistry to pull this off?" Alfie bit back
"We can happily show you" James said getting cocky
But I wasn't so sure about this.. We had barely polished the routine let alone having it ready to perform
"The stage is all yours" He said motioning to the floor, I looked up at James a little unsure
"I don't know, it isn't ready" I said before hearing Beth scoff
"Trust you to not be prepared" Beth spat and I fought the urge to not hit her
"Fine" I said moving from James' arms and taking the starting position


I smiled up at James as he held me in our finishing pose, I won't lie. It went a lot smoother then I had anticipated. It wasn't bumpy, it wasn't rushed. Our timing was flawless and everything went off without a hitch
"well I think it's safe to their dance chemistry is unmatched" Michelle said as she finished clapping, I unwrapped myself from James allowing me to turn to the rest of A-Troupe
"I think if that is the level that you two are dancing, we are in it to win it this year" Miss Kate said smiling as she joined us from the office

As we ran through all the other numbers, I couldn't help but notice Beth's gaze off of Alfie and directed straight at James
It was what James had once wanted but I mean it's pretty clear that she only wants him now because she can't have him
I hope his forever girl realises she'll have to fight off some demons, fall in love with his family and appreciate him for all he's worth
Something Beth had failed to do 
I just hope whoever it is, realises what she has.. when she has him 

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