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"your chariot awaits" A familiar voice said as I locked my front door. I turned around to see James parked up on my drive
"What are you doing here?" I chuckled walked down the steps to meet his soft embrace of a hug
"Eldon let it slip that you walk to school" He said and I furrowed my brows at him
"So?" I laughed
"Well what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you do that?" He said wiggling his eyebrows
"A pretend one? Oh waittt" I teased getting into the car as James opened the door for me
James continued to chuckle as he got into the drivers seat
"So i think it's safe to say that this is working" James smirked as we continued to drive towards our school
"Yeah we are truly ruffling some feathers. What did Beth talk to you about when you danced?" I asked, not because I was jealous. Merely just curiosity

"That we are only a thing to make her jealous and that it won't work" He said with an eye roll
"Clearly is working though" I laughed putting my feet up on the dashboard
"Riley, I'm going to say this as nice as possible" he said briefly 
"What?" I laughed
"Get your feet off the dashboard, I'm not having you die if we get into a crash" He said making me laugh more
"Can't you like you know try not to get us into a crash" I asked and James rolled his eyes before slapping my legs until I put them down
"Party pooper" I pouted
"Sorry, I'll stop caring shall I" He smirked making me roll my eyes this time 


It's been a hot minute since I've been able to have some time to myself, from auditions to this new found pretend relationship with James. It's been a lot.
I sat at my usual table in the library at Lunch, it was still pretty quiet for the time of year it was
"I think it's time us girls had a chat" A voice said, I looked up to see Beth stood there with her arms crossed, I rolled my eyes before looking back down at my book
"I don't really think there is anything we need to talk about" I said before Beth took my book out from it's place causing me to look up at lean back in my seat
"James doesn't really like you. He's just trying to get me back" She said, I gave her a look before nodding
"So you agree it's true?" She asked and I scoffed 
"no, I just know you're so delusional that no matter what I say, you won't listen" I smirked
"You think you are all that don't you Riley." She spat and I looked at her again

"I think I'm better then you if that means anything" I said and she glared 
"We are on the same level. If I'm not higher, I made the team like you did, I managed to get Alfie like you did" She started before I held up my finger to stop her
"First off. If you think Alfie is an achievement then girl you need to  rethink your standards and secondly, you didn't make the team. You're an alternate" I laughed before snatching my book back
"I suggest you watch your step Beth. Wouldn't want you to fall down the rabbit hole that all of Alfie's usual girls end up in" I said looking her up and down once more before walking out of the library

I didn't know where I was heading, nor did I understand what just happened or what I had said, truth be told there are no other Alfie's girls. It's her and I but then I wouldn't class myself as that anymore. James wanted this all to get Beth but never did I once say I wanted Alfie back
Far from it actually, I plan to move on to better things as soon as I've helped James, I just hope before this is all over he realises that he is worth more then a bitch who would happily cheat all over again given have the bloody chance 
He deserves someone who gives him the time of day, someone who is proud to be on his arm someone who is going to drift away to someone else
I just hope he finds her and finds her soon, then maybe she can stop him making the stupid mistake of getting back with Beth

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