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"Alright A-Troupe as we all know, its that time of year where we have to submit a Qualifier Duet" Miss Kate said smiling walking into the Studio A where we all stood stretching
"I would usually hold auditions, how ever this year I feel like we have a create a diverse team and I want an unusual pairing! So all of your names are in the hat" Miss Kate continued holding up a small baseball cap that looked older than all of us combined
"West, would you care to do the honours" Miss Kate said offering him the hat
"James!" West gleamed smiling in my direction
"and James would you pick the next name?" Miss Kate said showing me the hat, I nodded picking out another piece of paper
I unraveled it in my hand looking at the name before me, I glanced down at Riley before looking back at Miss Kate before my eyes settled on the person
"Alfie" I muttered making a large smirk appear on his face
"Oh this is going to be great!" Miss Kate clapped, she is clearly not reading the room..

I glanced down at Riley who was looking up at me with a sympathetic smile 
"are you going to be okay?" She asked and I nodded
"he's nothing special, I'm sure I can handle him" She said as everyone else started to fizzle away, soon enough it was just the three of us
"Do one thing for me before you leave" I asked earning a hum in response as she looked back up at me
"Kiss me" I whispered leaning in
"What?" She giggled
"you heard me" I said making her smile more before crashing our lips together
If I had to spend the next couple hours with him, might as well rub this in his face first
"Happy?" Riley asked as we pulled away
"always" I said pecking her lips once more before finally letting her out of my grasp while she shook her head as her cheeks started turning the pretty pink colour again


"Okay boys, that's the choreography. i'll leave you to practice" Miss Kate said smiling at us, I returned the smile but the second she was out the room the smile was quickly just a scowl
"Right let's get started" I said getting into position
"Not man enough to talk about this?" Alfie asked making me look at him confused
"Talk about what?" I asked
"The fact that you are using Riley, she's just a ploy to get Beth back but then again she is doing the same to you too so you are just as bad as each other" He laughed
"Clearly dating Beth made you lose quite a few brain cells. Maybe you should cut your loses before you lose them all" I said making him roll his eyes

"Just face it James, it doesn't matter who you end up with. I could steal them at the drop of a hat" He said smugly
"I don't think so. Yeah sure you took Beth but she wasn't really worth having around if she could soon be unfaithful, I gave you guys another month before she moves on to the next" I replied playing the music
I was here to dance, to help the team. Not bitch and argue with Alfie. He wouldn't be worth the breath at all 

After what felt like an eternity, practice was over and I was free, Beth had decided to join us for the final half an hour. I was about to head out the door when she decided to pipe up
"Have you gotten bored of her yet?" Beth asked, I turned to her with my dance bag in hand
"Unlike you, Riley is actually fun to be around. There is no part of her that could bore anyone" I said before Beth turned to Alfie
"Clearly something is boring if he came to me" She smirked placing her hands all over Alfie
"Or maybe there is something seriously wrong with you which meant you had to go after someone who was taken while you yourself had someone" I offered before turning
As soon as I turned I saw Riley about to walk in and a smile creeped on my face

I quickly walked over to her wrapping my arms around her picking her up making her laugh hitting my back
"Put me down before you drop meeee!" she whined making me laugh, I could hear some scoffs from behind me but honestly I didn't care
"Good practice?" She smirked making me roll my eyes as I pressed my lips against her walking forward which is turn make her walk backwards with a little giggle leaving her lips
She has always deserved a lot more then fucking Alfie. Someone needs to show her that  

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