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Th story of how Seungkwan and Mingyu were found:
'Run Run Run Run' That's all little Seungkwan could think about. 'Run' from what? Little Seungkwan was running on the streets trying to escape the wrath of his so called 'parents' currently chasing him with their car and a gun. All he could thunk about was running and hiding. he ran ran ran until. He found a strange building. He glances back to make sure his parents are far behind and runs in. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked and he ran in until he heard a bunch of cars pass by the building. He peeked out from the window above him. The coast was clear. When he turned his head, he saw a slightly taller boy on the other side. They made eye contact. Then they heard footsteps. They looked behind them to see a group of men dressed in black.
"Why are you kids here?"
"I-i was-"
"Why do you need to know?" sassy little Seungkwan asked. He was acting brave despite having tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
"Feisty. Take them. I'm sure they'd make great hostages to show our clients."
"No!" Little Seungkwan screamed as he started kicking and screaming. Only for the men were amused and walk closer towards the two kids. At that moment, another group of men came bursting through the doors and quickly covered the kids. Gunshots were heard from behind the men.
"You will never get away with this. The boss will still find a way to get his
The last gunshot was heard, and the men turned around. Mingyu and Seungkwan were shaking and hugging each other. Their faces were frightened and streaked with tears. One of them who looked a little older than them looked at them with concern in his eyes, "Can we take them back to base? They seem a bit shaken up, and i doubt they want to go home."
"Sure. I think the boss will be glad. They could become future members after some training."
"W-where are you taking us?" Mingyu spoke.
"Don't worry. We'll just take you to your new home. I'm Yoongi. No need to be scared.  We'll take good care of you," He said with a gummy smile and his hands out. The boys felt safe and warm inside when Yoongi smiled. They took Yoongi's hands and followed the men back to the place that would become their new home. After a few years, they became official members of the mafia, but they didn't have they're own 'gang' yet. That's what they're doing now. Finding their gang they can easily call 'family'.


"Wow," that was all Vernon and Wonwoo could say after the two told them their story. They weren't aware of this, and they spent their childhoods in hell. Though they lived there in their youth in hell they believed these two had more of a hellish childhood then they did.
"We don't expect you to pity us. We just thought you should know since you're joining us now," Seungkwan said.
"Why didn't you tell us any sooner?" Vernon questioned.
"We were scared like any other person would've been. You two seem so well off we didn't want you guys to break things off with us once you found out, but now..." Mingyu trailed off after he explained.
"That seems quite reasonable... i still wish we knew sooner though. In the end it's still your choice," Wonwoo stated.
"All's well that ends well, i guess," Seungkwan shrugs.

does it really though?

Some what of a long ride, right? AnYwAy. i got covid so i was stuck for a while 😓 and school was stressful. i apologize for taking so long to publish this. it took me a while to think about a plot 😅. maybe i have a small case of writers block... moving on, stay safe out there!


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